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  1. #1
    gunner76's Avatar
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    Mt. Rogers>5th Annual Grayson Highlands Fall Festival>Sept. 25-28

    Just got back from the Grayson Hang. Had to leave a day early as The Terminator was not feeling well.

    Left here for Grayson on Wednesday AM ( weather report that AM just said lows in the 50's and highs in the 70", nothing about rain). and spent Wednesday night at Pilot Mt SP. Great place to hang. We stayed at site # 2 and would stay there again as it has places for about 7+ hammocks.

    Took our time driving up to Grayson on Thursday AM and got there early in the afternoon. Set up our Hammeck Stands on the tent pads. That evening we helped set up the new Big Blue and moved the picnic tables.

    Just as we were finishing up it started to sprinkle. The Terminator and I went to bed about 9 PM as it had started to rain. Nothing hard, just steady. About 1 AM I woke up as my left side was wet. I started feeling around the head and food end and the right side of may hammock and is was dry. I then used my head lamp to try and find the source of the water. I saw a trickled of water coming down the outside of skeeter netting.

    Decided my tarp was leaking as I had it suspended under the tarp ridge line and I have water breaks to divert the rain leaks. As it was getting wetter and wetter I decided to go sleep in the SUV and took my TQ as it is down and figured I could try and dry it with the SUV's heater ( it worked ). About 5 AM The Terminator joined me as she was also getting wet. We were also able to dry out her TQ. We were not worried about the UQs as we were both using Clamashield UQs.

    In the day light I was able to figure out the source of the leak on The Terminators rig. She had me set up her tarp over the top of the Hammeck Stand and since the tarp did not cover the ends of the stand, the rain was rolling down to the bottom of the stands top poles and then traveling to the middle of the stand where it was leaking onto the hammock. Thinking that some drip lines just inside where the tarp goes over the stand might take care of the problem but will have to test it out at home. We got some cheap poly tarps to cover the hammock tarps and both ends of the stands. Looked ugly and I was calling it Hobo City. Friday night I stayed totally dry and warm but for some reason The Terminator still got wet Friday night and she ended up sleeping in the SUV again. As her Ridge Runner got soaked Thursday night and had not dried out I set up an extra BlackBird I had brought and along with an extra UQ. She said she preferred her Ridge Runner.

    I heard others also gear issues and one person had to sleep in their rain gear.

    Talked to a bunch of old friends and made some news ones. Talked to my good friend Mini Rat ( Mouse ). She reminds me of my daughter at that age.

    As The Terminator was not feeling well we packed up and left about noon. The rain followed us all the way to the coast and several of the roads here were / are flooded and we did not know if we would make it home.

    Have a lot of work ahead cleaning and drying out gear and trouble shooting the tarp related issues we encountered.

    Hopefully everyone has a good time and except for the rain I had a blast.
    I am still 18 but with 53 years of experience !

  2. #2
    Senior Member WV's Avatar
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    Freia and I had a fine time at this hang. It's great to catch up with old friends. I wish I was better at putting names to faces, because there are a lot of others whom I've seen a few times and wish I'd had more time to talk with them. This hang abounds in friendly people and knowledgeable hammock campers. I learned things this year, as before.

    One thing I learned is that I can stay high and dry in a hammock while my dog can turn her old sleeping-bag of a dog bed into a soggy mess on the ground. It's time to make another dog hammock.

    Another thing I learned (again) is that Hickery knows stuff. He's also lucky. After watching his numbers being called time and again in the first part of the raffle while I got nothing, I made him swap his 5 raffle tickets for my 5 losers before the final round for the big prizes. Then, what do you know, he wins a Warbonnet hammock for Ms. Fox with one of my numbers!

    I really enjoyed demonstrating my new adjustable insulated bridge design at the festival, though only few known hammock hangers braved the mists to see it. We had been told by a park employee that we really didn't need to go through with the hammock demo because of the weather, but Alex of Sheltowee Hammocks and and I did anyway. I'm glad I got a chance to meet Alex, a truly nice guy, and it was the first chance I had to see one of his insulated hammocks - yet another approach to keeping warm, and in my opinion a really fine product.

    One of the biggest pleasures for me at this hang was the chance to swap ideas with people after the raffle as they looked at another of my insulated adjustable hammocks in it's partially completed state. As usual, many interesting questions and ideas surfaced as people tried it out. By the way, this hammock will be one of three hammocks in the raffle to benefit Watoga State Park Foundation at our Fall Color Hang there October 16th - 18th.

    I'm sorry I didn't bring a camera this time, so no pics. The pony auction off in the mists had an other-worldly air, and I'm glad I took the time to go see it. I like the energy at auctions anyway. (No, I didn't buy a pony - I've got a pack dog.)

    Also, I stood in the rain and listened to the old time music for a while before lugging my hammock gear back to the car - really good stuff.

    Many, many thanks for Slowhike, Little Debby Cakes, Home Run, and all the others who make this such a fine event. I'll be back. (It will be sunny next year, right?) Kanguru and his lovely wife made a special day trip up to the park to buy me lunch. Well, it worked out that way. Thanks!

  3. #3
    slowhike's Avatar
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    Even with the rain we managed to have a fine time.
    But several of us that had planned to stay Sun night decided to head home instead. We had had enough fun in the rain
    So everyone left the group site today (Sun). The only ones from our group still there are 2Q & ZQ.
    At least they have a pop-up camper to hang out in. Hope they get a break in the rain.

    More to come....
    I too will something make and joy in it's making

  4. #4
    Member timberlake's Avatar
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    I had a good time and met some really nice folks. The only down side I had to leave a day early due to family illness. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone. One more thing......Big Blue 2 (tarp) saved the day!!!!

  5. #5
    Tacoma96's Avatar
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    The wife and I cannot emphasize how much fun we had even though it rained the whole time. (The Ducks were not coming out for this event it was so wet). Left the Raleigh area and it was pouring rain since Thursday night. The whole 4.5 hour drive to Grayson Highlands was wet . Upon arrival we met up the some of the older and newer hangers. I am glad that “Big Blue” was up, that made the difference. After introduction we set up our gear in like record time due to the rain. I had a brain cramp setting up my tarp on my new turtle dog stand, but finally got it right. Both the wife and I had no gear issues the whole weekend except my cheap a.. raincoat which I am getting rid. Had some great conversations and learned about some new gear from Hipbone and Mountain Goat (they know there stuff about ultra lite gear). Saturday we made it down to the festival, but did not stay long due to weather, spent a lot of time around the campfire and under “Big Blue”. We helped out with making breakfast and then dinner on Saturday Night. We were imaging how great this hang and scenery would be if it was nice out. Sunday came early and it was still pouring rain as we took down our gear in record time. Did not see anyone under “Big Blue” in the morning to say goodbye to so we left. Even though the weather did not cooperate this hang was a great success. We loved the last 1.5 hour drive up to the hang on those curvy roads. Thanks to all who participated, this hang was challenging with the wind and rain. Special thanks to Slowhike, RockDawg, Homerun, and all the others who were part of putting this hang together, especially the cooks. Hickery thanks for the coffee. RockDawg we will cook together again. LOL. Rained almost the whole drive home also. Thanks all.

    Straight out of Clayton.

    Most physical hike: Grandfather Mountain, NC. Aug 13.

    I don't need to make my pack lighter. I need to make my (_*_) lighter.

  6. #6
    Rockdawg69's Avatar
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    So this was the odd year that usually has rain. This time it was not the usual here it is and there it goes. Hung about all weekend from Thursday night until we left on Sunday. Accompanied by those usual characters - wind, clouds, fog, mist, etc.
    DimJim and I hiked for 3 days prior to Thursday in the best weather you can have in the NC/TN/Va mountains. Got to Grayson Thursday afternoon and thanks to Hickery, Son of Big Blue arrived. A struggle to get him up and tied in. Seems like we managed to re-set it at least 3 times and then again on Friday morning. Many arrived Friday afternoon and evening. New folks for their first time with this hang and a bunch of us "old timers".
    Saturday was wet and windy but everyone managed to have a good time at the festival. Thanks to all who came out and thanks for helping with the "gourmet" meals on Saturday.
    Next year is the beautiful weather year so be sure and put the hang on your calendar.
    Slowhike, Home Run, Gray Jay, Tacoma, Gunner, L.D.Cakes and all you others that furnished food - expect to have another great set of meals next year.

    Oh yes -Happy Birthday to Donna (ZQ) and Debbie (L D Cakes). Hope you enjoyed your birthday cakes.

    Never pass up a chance to use a restroom! Especially after 3 hours of driving!!!!!!!

    Professional Prevaricator: Part-time dealer in Yarns, Tales, Half-Truths, & Outright Lies -1st half-hour session at no cost (Lawyers and Doctors excepted).

  7. #7
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    The usual suspects stayed late, to clean up the site and take down Son of Big Blue. We had less than the usual amount of stuff to clean up, both "donated" food and stuff left inadvertently. Also must note that I usually walk the camp before setting up, and find lots of stuff to collect before we camp. This year, the group camp site was remarkably clean. I usually count on finding cordage in the trees and on the ground, and lots of other bits. This year I only found a plastic buckle set, right under the site I used for my hammock.
    The takedown crew included Slowhike, Hickery, Tracy, Homerun, and Jerkyfoot.
    Thanks to everyone who cleaned up this morning. Many people pitched in to get the trash up.

    I have just two found objects.
    Someone is missing their legs. A couple of zip-off pants legs were left. They are beige/gray in color. I will not wash them, but will ship them.
    An aluminum griddle with non-stick surface was still there after everyone else left. Let me know if you want it.

    Slowhike boxed up all clean, packaged food and "donated" it to a nice local couple with a pop-up camper. Hope they can find someone who can use the items. Forgive us for not asking first.

    It is a wonder that we had such fun, fine food, and fine conversation, considering the relentless rain. You guys must be quite skilled at camping.

    Slowhike and I found Ranger Marcia at the festival just after noon. I will let him fill in the details.

    See you next hang!
    I love the unimproved works of God. - Horace Kephart

  8. #8
    Senior Member ShellHammock's Avatar
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    A BIG Thank You to everyone who contributed to this Hang to make it a success and to make it a memorable one for me.

    I posted a trip report on my blog Please take a look!

    And here are some videos I managed to take. Until next time!


    Sheltowee Hammocks Feature INTEGRATED UNDERQUILTS! Starting at $224

    Step Out Of Your Sheltowee @

  9. #9
    gunner76's Avatar
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    Can't wait for next year
    I am still 18 but with 53 years of experience !

  10. #10
    Rockdawg69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavyRay View Post
    The usual suspects stayed late, to clean up the site and take down Son of Big Blue. We had less than the usual amount of stuff to clean up, both "donated" food and stuff left inadvertently. Also must note that I usually walk the camp before setting up, and find lots of stuff to collect before we camp. This year, the group camp site was remarkably clean. I usually count on finding cordage in the trees and on the ground, and lots of other bits. This year I only found a plastic buckle set, right under the site I used for my hammock.
    The takedown crew included Slowhike, Hickery, Tracy, Homerun, and Jerkyfoot.
    Thanks to everyone who cleaned up this morning. Many people pitched in to get the trash up.

    Well ya'll missed my straps and biners hanging in the trees. Got halfway home and it sort of crept up on me that I forgot to go back and collect them after throwing tarp in the back end of truck. They might be hidden enough that they will stay there until next year. NO Way!

    I have just two found objects.
    Someone is missing their legs. A couple of zip-off pants legs were left. They are beige/gray in color. I will not wash them, but will ship them.
    An aluminum griddle with non-stick surface was still there after everyone else left. Let me know if you want it.

    Slowhike boxed up all clean, packaged food and "donated" it to a nice local couple with a pop-up camper. Hope they can find someone who can use the items. Forgive us for not asking first.

    It is a wonder that we had such fun, fine food, and fine conversation, considering the relentless rain. You guys must be quite skilled at camping.

    Slowhike and I found Ranger Marcia at the festival just after noon. I will let him fill in the details.

    See you next hang!

    Never pass up a chance to use a restroom! Especially after 3 hours of driving!!!!!!!

    Professional Prevaricator: Part-time dealer in Yarns, Tales, Half-Truths, & Outright Lies -1st half-hour session at no cost (Lawyers and Doctors excepted).

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