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  1. #1
    Chard's Avatar
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    Canada>Ontario>Valens>EGL Gearing Up for Winter 2013-2014 - Trip Report

    EGL Gearing Up for Winter 2013-2014 - Trip Report

    Crazy Old-Man Jiblets and his hardcore camp stove.

    Hey gang, just back from another fun EGL hang at Valens. Nice to see some familar faces and meet new ones. The temperature wasn't too bad, but the steady breeze made it feel much colder.

    I arrived late around 10pm to find Iguana, 76 highboy, Keg, Cedar328, Ggreaves, Lofty and his son Liam keeping warm around a nice fire. Saturday Bubba showed up and we had a suprise visit by Jiblets. Can you say BBQ chicken wings? MrBabelfish5 take note!

    Played two games of "balance the pot on ends of burning logs"; lost the first game, won the second and discovered the joys of heated Pepsi and Kracken at the same time. Lost the "set up the windblock" game with Mother Nature, because it wasn't long before the wind shifted.

    Had a chance to try out my DIY topquilt and restuffed bottom quilt in cold weather. I'll definitely need to add a drawstring to the collar area of the top quilt. The second night I nested my DIY bag inside my Marmot - 9C and I was perfect. I'm sure I'd be able to withstand some serious cold in that setup. But that's what you get for having what felt like 8" of down around you!!!

    Big thanks go out to the Valens Conservation Area staff for cleaning up after the Christmas ice storm. It was touch and go there for a while, whether we'd be able to get into the park or not, but everything worked out in the end.

    I look forward to getting back together on our Winter Hang. Where... not sure, but I know it'll be a good time.

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    Last edited by Chard; 01-21-2014 at 10:07.
    Survival is about getting out alive, Bushcraft is about going in to live - Chard (aka Forest-Hobo)

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Bubba's Avatar
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    It was nice to get out into the cold weather and to see old friends and make new ones. As Chard mentioned I arrived Saturday and began talking to people leaving setting up for later. I decided to see how long I could manage only wearing a merino base layer a T shirt and a wind proof fleece jacket. My intention was to further acclimatize myself to cold weather in preparation for more cold weather outings. I did well only donning my jacket when the wind picked up later in the evening.

    The group was smaller than expected with a few members not able to make it at the last minute. As is the norm at most hangs, we proceeded to hang around the fire, chat and eat. Some would come and go to gather wood or check out set ups. With the arrival of Jiblets we were bound to have some good food and true to form he cooked up some curry wings and beef with rice noodles.

    As the night carried on we talked and ate until eventually one by one we turned into our cozy hammocks. Fortunately, the wind died down a bit by the time I went to bed. I slept well and only woke up once to answer nature's call. I had previously taken my set up to -31*C so I wasn't concerned about being comfortable. Others were testing out their cold weather gear and for the most part I think everyone came away from the hang with a good idea of what went well and what needs improvement.

    Sitting around a fire and sleeping in a hammock are the simple pleasures of these hangs and overall it was just nice to have a little time away from my daily routine.

    Thanks to all who attended for an enjoyable time out.
    Don't let life get in the way of living.

  3. #3
    Herder of Cats OutandBack's Avatar
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    Holly Cow that is one heck of a camping stove. Very nice.
    Subscribing. Looking forward to picts.

  4. #4
    Chard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OutandBack View Post
    Holly Cow that is one heck of a camping stove. Very nice.
    Subscribing. Looking forward to picts.
    Yup. That Jiblets guy is pretty amazing. It doesn't matter if he's ultralighting a canoe trip or maxing out the suspension on his 4x4 while car-camping, fine cuisine is never far away.

    Enjoying the fruits of his labour.. BBQ chicken wings!
    Survival is about getting out alive, Bushcraft is about going in to live - Chard (aka Forest-Hobo)

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    Just wanted to say that my first winter hang was a relative success.The only way to test your equipment is to try it.I could have used a little more insulation as I only slept in a sleeping bag with a diy down footbox cover.After talking with the EGL gang I'd say a down top quilt and a full sock is the way to go for a toasty winter set up.Sleeping comfortably at -20 would be awesome! -30 ? Have to think about that. It was great meeting some of the guys from the EGL,we had some good eats,refreshments and a couple of laughs.Well maybe not that spilling of the pot of water thing.Twice! duh. Hope to whip up a tq out of a down sleeping bag and possibly make it to the winter hang,work schedule permitting. I had a great time and hope to do another "hang" soon. Thanx guys.
    No signs,no fees,no rules,nobody. My kind of campsite.

  6. #6
    Senior Member ggreaves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 76 highboy View Post
    Just wanted to say that my first winter hang was a relative success.The only way to test your equipment is to try it.I could have used a little more insulation as I only slept in a sleeping bag with a diy down footbox cover.After talking with the EGL gang I'd say a down top quilt and a full sock is the way to go for a toasty winter set up.Sleeping comfortably at -20 would be awesome! -30 ? Have to think about that. It was great meeting some of the guys from the EGL,we had some good eats,refreshments and a couple of laughs.Well maybe not that spilling of the pot of water thing.Twice! duh. Hope to whip up a tq out of a down sleeping bag and possibly make it to the winter hang,work schedule permitting. I had a great time and hope to do another "hang" soon. Thanx guys.
    It was great to meet you, too.

    And the DIY spirit was alive and well at hang. From your pullover, expertly sewn with leather accents from a wool blanket (You really need to make more of 'em) to Iguana's own efforts in the clothing department, to Jiblets' passive air pre-heater mask to make breathing more comfortable in the middle of a chilly night, many of us were trying out home-made ideas. My canvas hammock sock kept me warm and dry. I really enjoyed my Saturday morning 11am sleep-in. I can't get away with that at home. S$%t-loads of wood were cut and chopped (in fact there was a long discussion about exactly how much a S$%t-load was). Bushcraft weapons were brandished and compared. Two of the guys even cut themselves showing off their knives (to the horror - then amusement of all present). Jiblets' skill and generosity in preparing and sharing his delicious dishes was much appreciated and the edge was taken off the cold wind with a nip of the Kraken spiced rum. I think we all learned a lot and came away a little better prepared for the next cold backcountry trip. Thanks to everyone who organized and made the trip a success.
    A lotta ins... lotta outs... lotta what-have-you's

  7. #7
    Senior Member Lofty's Avatar
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    Another nice night out in the cold!
    This was my second EGL group hang with Liam and we had an enjoyable night.

    Arriving around noon on Friday and being my first time at Valens it took a bit to find the site, but I did enjoy the drive around the entire conservation area.
    We found the site and highboy was just finishing setup

    Liam and I got to setting up as others began to arrive. After about an hour he was cold ( actually bored - typical 12 year old ) so he ended up in the car watching a movie , but once the fire started Liam was back out - continuously feeding wood on the fire and heating up rocks until they glowed red.

    Some steak for dinner and more fire! All the wood we cut seemed to disappear quite fast with Liam but we were warm.
    Some good conversation and some late arrivals made for an enjoyable evening.

    The next morning - more fire and tried some mountain house breakfast - it was Ok,
    Got to see a few familiar faces as we were packing up. It would have been nice to stay the second night -- but I had to work

    Can't wait to get out again

  8. #8
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    Great summaries of the hang! I do not have much more to add, just a few of my own lessons learned and observation from this hang.

    Men at work sign in the middle of the road does not mean road is closed. If there is room to go around the signs, then go around.

    Full Length UQ for next winter hang. This was my first time hanging in sub-zero temperature, I thought I could get away with my DIY three-quarter UQ.

    If you want to use your alcohol stove in the morning for coffee from the hammock. Remember to sleep with the fuel to keep it warm. Keeping the matches handy helps to.

    Eggs do freeze.

    Red wine not recommended. Unless you like it chilled.

    You can never bring too many an axe to an EGL Hang.

    Goggles are effective for keeping smoke out of your eyes.Although I recommend non-tinted.

    I would also like to re-iterate what a awesome group of people to be around. I did not hear on piece of negativity all weekend (which was calming in itself). Everyone was more than happy to share their rations and delighted to have others taste their food.From Jiblets curry,garlic soy-sauce wings to Bubba juicy steak. I am not sure who’s Lime Grill’ems I had but they very yummy, I did not know Grill’ems came in that flavour.. Although I forgot to get that slice of bread from you Chard, hopefully you will have some at the next hang. Every person was more than willing to lend a hand or if you required any type of tool or equipment, everyone offered theirs.

    I mentioned my toes were a little cold when sleeping the first night, a few people offered me their extra UQ's. Thanks to Jiblets I ended up with about 10 inches of down under my feet the second night.

    Only 29 more days until the next one!


    Confucious Say:

    If you are cold outside,

    Outside is cold

  9. #9
    Senior Member ggreaves's Avatar
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    I cut myself on my Mora last night. Required 1 stitch. Who's next?
    A lotta ins... lotta outs... lotta what-have-you's

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