I've been obsessed with the idea of hanging for nearly three years. Ever since Shug's videos introduced me to the wonderful world of suspension and tarps. I made my own, to see if I could fall asleep in the air - turns out I couldn't . . . until now.

I've read, "hammocks aren't for everyone" and figured I was one of the unlucky few that just didn't jive with them, but I couldn't figure out why.

Most days, I'd have a sore neck, shoulder, or back from sleeping wrong. Always thinking how nice it would be to use a hammock. I would lay awake in my hammock ALL NIGHT, until I'd eventually give up and go to sleep in my bed, and wake up sore in the morning.

It wasn't that I was uncomfortable - I really think it boils down to fear. I must have had a fear of falling in the back of my mind, that just didn't allow me to relax. (I've fallen a few times throughout the years- nothing major, mostly just disconcerting - usually from forgetting to back up my descender rings with a slippery hitch, and once when I used paracord for my suspension, before I knew better) I think subconsciously, my brain couldn't let me relax while suspended in the air.

Last weekend was the first time I managed to actually sleep in my hammock, and every night since has been BLISS! I FINALLY got over my fear! I just can't believe how long it took! I just want to tell people to stick to it, if anyone can relate. (I took some tylenol PM's for my very sore neck caused by my futon, which might have helped me relax enough to fall asleep that first time)

I've been a member here since September of 2010, but just now ordered my kit! I couldn't buy stuff, if it was impossible for me to use, so I waited.

I've been obsessed with splicing rope, learning knots, diagonal lays, hangles, tarps, etc - or at least the idea of these things. I just couldn't let it go. A lack of properly spaced trees might have also had something to do with not getting enough experience.

Ever since I got over my fear, I feel like tossing my bed (lopsided futon) out on the curb, and I've been hanging full-time since that first day.

I FINALLY bought some real gear, now that I know I'll be able to use it. It's been a long time coming, but I'm glad I waited, because of how "hammock technology" has evolved. I pulled the trigger on a 12 foot OMW tarp w/snakeskins from Wilderness Logics, and an eleven foot DangerBird from DreamHammock. I got some DutchWare and Zing-It to rig the OMW tarp, and have been using my TurtleLady Tribute Stand indoors with my MYOG Hammock with a regular sleeping bag until my new one arrives.

Now, I'm in the market for insulation. I think I'll try a ccf pad, but I know I'm going to go with an underquilt and maybe even a top quilt too. Thanks to HammockForums.net for not letting me give up!