Hello fellow hangers. I have recently become a Hammock lover and would like to get opinions, tip for those big hikers out there. I know there are a bunch!! I personally shied away from the hammock world for fear of breaking things, mostly my back. I a 6''9' 390lb dude. Though seeing how devoted my good friend Ken Troklus of Fort Hickory, is to hammocks I thought I would give it a go!. I have done my research and tested it all out and am in love with the comfy world of hammocks!! So for you Big guys out there who are nervous, lets share and get outside together! Shoot, now that I get better sleep out there I can stay longer, hike farther. I plan to start a Youtube channel devoted to Heavy Hangers and I hope we all can share and learn from each other. Also would love to get out there and have a heavy hanger camp out!! what you all think?
