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    Senior Member Doctari's Avatar
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    NEW Planning Thread - Mt Rogers Hangout - January 20-23, 2011

    As the other site is now "Full" of concerns & arrangements for the New home of the Mt Roger's Hang out, we will be closing that (Left open to view) & doing the final stuff here: Who is coming, what bringing for the pot luck, day hike plans & stuff like that there!
    Link to original planning thread for history...

    A quick add on re the idea for this get together: This has always been a Hangout to "test your winter gear in real conditions but with an easy escape route if things go wrong!" And as a place to discuss & see what is available in hammocking gear specifically for winter use, with expert or at least experienced help nearby. Having the hang less than 300' from the access road will be a HUGE safety factor in case of emergency. We have the chance to build our skills in a near wilderness locale, but with very easy egress if need be!

    The park people are allowing us to use the Group Campground which is behind the little camp store across from “Our” parking lot.
    They are arranging for us to have a Privy (Aka Port-a-Potty). OR we can get our own (that seems like more work to me).
    The cost will be about $2.63 per person based on 6 people per site / $15.75 per site cost. “Normally, groups are confined to a smaller space due to other campers in the numbered sites, however, you will be able to spread out quite a bit.”
    Firewood will be available for purchase, [$4 per bundle (normally 9-12 sticks of seasoned locust) and you are welcome to bring your own in as well.] & we can gather our own “As for firewood, anything that is down is fair game, although with the snow that we have had so far, don't expect it to be dry.”
    Water is available: There is potable water available at the park office during regular business hours - generally 8-4:30 unless the ranger on duty is out on patrol or at lunch. I will likely be getting my water at the first stream crossing on the way to the Wise, but that is just me, & I have walked further for water on the AT. I may even bring in a 3-gallon jug of water, but that may freeze in the Jeep. I’ll cover it with insulation.
    We have been asked to not use the dumpster if it is there, Trash cans MAY be there, but if not: take your trash to your car please.
    There is an amphitheater nearby for use as a gathering point “Out of the weather” but we have been asked to not cook there. I see no problem with that.
    There will be picnic tables to enhance the dining experience.
    This site is nearly at the road, but there is little to no traffic, after all who would be crazy enough to go camping in the winter?
    There will be the same hiking opportunity as if 1.5 miles away at the Wise shelter & on Friday I will either be doing my planned trip to the Scales or maybe even go to the top of Mt Rogers.
    Arial view of the campground shows a lot of trees, AND we will be to the lee of a large hill.
    A flyer with a list of the park rules can be downloaded at
    Park weather can be found at
    A slide show of the park (camera atop the park HQ building) is at

    Quote Originally Posted by slowhike View Post
    See any changes that need to be made to the list?

    So far the ones who are coming are:
    Peter Pan/ JRB Raffle Prizes & much more
    Smee/ JRB Raffle Prizes & much more
    Doctari / Duraflame log & hot dogs.
    Firewalker / A grill with legs & Still undecided on a Potluck food item.
    MacEntyre (& Thing 1) / "Grateful Bread: a few loaves of their breakfast bread"
    bugman0914 / SW sausage and cheese dip to be heated on the fire.
    WV / Homemade Hummus & Carrot sticks
    slowhike / NA so far
    rip waverly / I will bring a 5lb pack of tater's to cut up and foil-cook in the fire.
    lazarus / NA so far
    bonsaihiker / brownies and lots of cocoa
    Poppabear / Trash bags, paper towels & "some kind of dessert"
    Darby / Brats
    Dutch / Pies?
    2Questions / reflector oven & a container of homemade Chili.
    Tendertoe / "Something sweet"
    NCPatrick / Cookies
    angrysparrow/ venison bacon
    Hickery/Pie Irons
    Pan and Smee are bringing the JRB Raffle prizes, Large shelter, 10x20,for Base of opns, and portable fire pit for base opns.

    fulminated / NA so far
    greenlespaul / NA so far
    McSpartan / NA so far
    Some have stated they are coming outright, some implied. If I missed some or what you are bringing please correct me. After all, I is only human(ish).

    We still need stuff for the Pot Luck dinner, so work up your best / favorite campfire foodstuff & bring it along. Do try to list it here so we don't have 15 pots of baked beans & nothing else.
    Last edited by Doctari; 12-22-2010 at 19:29.
    When you have a backpack on, no matter where you are, you’re home.

  2. #2
    Senior Member bugman0914's Avatar
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    Well I make a mean SW sausage and cheese dip that I can bring and we can heat over the fire! And please let me know if there is anything else I can bring. I also can carry trash back to Floyd as we have green boxes everywhere along the side of the road for trash dumping!

    Wow 15 pots of baked beans might be more than one Portajohn can handle! And what a delightful aroma would permiate the camp!
    Last edited by bugman0914; 12-22-2010 at 15:09. Reason: additional text
    Tony a.k.a. bugman0914

  3. #3
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    Bad news/good news for me. I have started my own business and was able to secure my location that was number one on my list. Good news is that I got the prime spot for drunk people to eat my hot dogs/brats/gyros. (on campus). Bad news is that I will be working weekends for a good long while, so for now, weekends are booked up. So it doesn't look like I am able to come to the hang. For this I am disappointed, but I have to get this business going.

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    Both glad & sorry to hear that Big Papi. But we'll catch you on another trip.
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    I'll add a couple of Ranger Marceia Holland's posts from the original planning thread here. They can be seen in order & contain helpful information.
    Ranger Holland's 1st email in bold.


    I heard back from the manager. He said that you will be able to use the group campsite and we will just charge you the same way that we normally charge for the primitive camping in the stable area instead of the regular group campsite fees. The primitive camping fees are $15.75 per night per site. A site holds 6 people, so we can just base the fees on 6 person increments. The manager and I discussed the possibility of opening up the stable area campground for you use, but decided against it as the road conditions to the stables are generally more hazardous in winter weather.

    Normally, groups are confined to a smaller space due to other campers in the numbered sites, however, you will be able to spread out quite a bit. There is potable water available at the park office during regular business hours - generally 8-4:30 unless the ranger on duty is out on patrol or at lunch.

    There are picnic tables at the group campsite and we will try to get them cleaned off before the event. Our forecast is calling for more snow over the weekend and into next week, so we will probably hit the tables closer to the middle of January. The amphitheater is available for your group to use for gathering out of the weather. We just ask that any cooking be done outside the covered area. I'll see if we can get some trash cans brought up for you to use. I believe the dumpster has been picked up for the season, but if not, please don't use it. It won't be emptied again until May and trash in it might attract wildlife in an area we would like to keep primarily for the humans.

    The port-a-potty can easily be placed at the parking area for the store. I'll contact the office manager tomorrow and ask her to send me the contact information for the company that normally provides service for events held at the park. As for firewood, anything that is down is fair game, although with the snow that we have had so far, don't expect it to be dry. We do have firewood for sale if needed - it is $4 per bundle (normally 9-12 sticks of seasoned locust) and you are welcome to bring your own in as well.

    The best site for a weather forecast for the park is Intellicast, using Whitetop, VA as the location. The elevations are similar and you can get a good idea of what to expect.

    I believe that is as much thinking as I can do on a day off. If I missed something, I'll email you when it pops in my head. I am very happy that we were able to come to a positive outcome for everyone and I appreciate your efforts! By the way, my husband said you were very nice and he enjoyed talking with you. We will definitely plan on coming up to visit while you are here. Please let me know if you have any other questions.


    Quote Originally Posted by MLHolland View Post
    We will make the camping available Thursday through Monday unless I am contacted by someone who needs to stay longer or come earlier. I'll try to figure out a easy and fair way to handle the camping fee. Maybe take a tally each morning to determine the number of "sites" that need to be paid for the previous night? I know that with groups the number tends to be fluid throughout the stay.

    By the way, we can take cash, checks or Mastercard and Visa for payments. We aren't setup for AmEx or Discover. Hope that helps.

    I'll continue to check the forums and try to answer questions as they pop up. That is, as long as we have power.

    They are calling for a pretty massive storm moving in on Friday night with predictions of 15+ inches of snow Friday through Tuesday. For entertainment, you can keep up with the park on the webcam that Slowhike posted a couple of pages back. Of course, snow is definitely preferable to the ice storm that we had last Christmas.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Doctari's Avatar
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    Sorry & Happy to hear that Big Papi! Maybe next year K.

    Work is good & that makes me happy for you, but you will be missed!
    When you have a backpack on, no matter where you are, you’re home.

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    Please put me down as a 'definite' instead of a 'maybe'. Thanks!

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  8. #8
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    A helpful post by Jeff from the original planning thread...
    Quote Originally Posted by Just Jeff View Post
    One thing to keep in mind...this is a great opportunity to start building a relationship with the Forest Service. Many HF members have talked about the need become involved in educating policy makers on the LNT benefits of hammocking, so that we can positively affect the future policy re: hammocks (or hopefully convince them that there's no need for a FS-wide policy). This is a great way to engage the FS on a personal level and start building a relationship that could pay dividends in the future, both for us and the FS.

    We've talked about the it's time to put deeds behind our words. I wish I could attend this one, but since I can't...I'll simply encourage you all to accept the Rangers' offer and build something very positive from what looked at first like a setback.
    My follow up post...
    Quote Originally Posted by slowhike View Post
    Yep, the Park Rangers have been very gracious in this offer. The few guide lines things they have pointed out are easy enough to understand the reasoning for & are no problem to respect.

    If they are not able to find suitable metal trash cans before the trip, simply keeping trash bags in the vehicles will work just fine to keep any mice out of it.

    It will be easy enough for a few folks to bring fire wood & save having to buy it or even gather it from the snow.

    I'm in full agreement w/ what Jeff said about this being a great opportunity to build respectful relationships with the people working to take care of our forests & parks.
    A lot of folks, including those who work in places like this, simply haven't seen the development of hammock camping & how environmentally friendly they can be, so I'm excited about a few new folks seeing how great hammocks are, even in the winter.

    I know we have enjoyed being able to to do a short backpacking hike to get away from the cars & have a better feel for the wilderness, but as you can see, having a few dependable details for a group of any size becomes of great importance, especially in the winter.

    So unless we have a number of folks in this "HF Annual Hang" group that feel strongly that we need something different, I'll suggest that by no later than Thurs, Dec 23, we let the GHSP Rangers know that we are good to go on the group site.
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    Here is a good source for current weather at GHSP, but if I'm not mistaken, this data is gathered about 1000' lower elevation than were we will be camping.
    If you hike up to Wilburn Ridge, you will be about another 1000' higher.
    Higher yet on Mt Rogers.
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    Here is both a current shot & the latest 24hr video cam from the Ranger's office near the fee booth.
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