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  1. #81
    Senior Member gargoyle's Avatar
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    dejoha, I recently did a t-shirt and another wood stove buy/sale.
    Not technically a group buy per se, but similar.

    My recommendations:
    Paypal, its official, safe and has all the info.

    Folks change their minds..for reasons unknown and back out, if they buy thru paypal, its a done deal. Get payment up front.

    Include paypal fees and know what your actual shipping cost will be..if someone orders 12 p.l.'s, a $4.95 usps flat rate wont cut it.

    Be sure to figure your packaging cost into the fray. Boxes, tape, labels, printer ink add up. Plus your time. Don't forget taxes, Uncle Sam wants his cut too.

    my 2 pesos
    Ambulo tua ambulo.

  2. #82
    Senior Member TOB9595's Avatar
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    YEP to all the above.
    I have facilitated group buys of large dollar magnitude...and small..
    - Be sure to have all your costs covered.
    - Handle this as what makes sense to you. Habndling t6wo tiered pricing is really hard work. separating, ranking, etc. I would not do it.
    Have ALL THE MONEY in your hands. Do not ask for shipping costs after you send it out. Some folk will be late due to family emergencies, ets. This then affects you.
    - one poncho is large enough to cost extra via first class mail....have those costs in hand. I would ONLY use priority mail with DELIVERY CONFIRM as part of the post. IF I order one poncho then I will be paying more per unit costs than someone paying $10 for 5 ponchos. That's just the laws of the postal service.
    Do this for what fits in your life timeline. Don't expect to grab ten ponchos and box em and label em in a quick manner. You have a baby on the way or just had one? time impacts.
    - I wouild see how many ponchos fit in the largest PRIORITY MAIL FLAT RATE BOX. Compress them in there tight...then you have a better idea of postage cost.
    - Is UPS handy at your house? UPS is easy to set up an account. they will pick up one or more boxes at your door...this way you can have all sorts of size packages to go out.
    - You need a good scale for this project...or a nice person at the post office to weigh these things up.

    - POST office will pick up priority mail at the steps of your house.
    - you will NOT please EVERYONE involved in this group buy. seldom happens...BUT you'll do your best
    - BACK to have all the money in hand for the goods before sending these out.

    If I had the money I would take this on as it can be done..easily...BUT I don't work and I can spread this over several days and nights.....
    I'm disappointed that I can't be of service with the money end.

  3. #83
    Member mercop's Avatar
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    I will chime in. Put the wobbies in a zip lock and roll the air out. You will be surprised (OK maybe not this crowd) at how small it gets and as my brother Tom said see what you can fit into the flat rate boxes. Thanks for do this, I look forward to woobie projects.- George

  4. #84
    Member hang um high's Avatar
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    I don't want to be a wet blanket, but every lot of ponchos on that site indicates they are in "H7" condition.

    H7 Unserviceable - condemned/ reparable
    Material which has been determined to be unserviceable and does not meet repair criteria; Type I shelf life material that has passed the expiration date, and Type II shelf life material that has passed the expiration date and cannot be extended. NOTE: Classify obsolete and excess material to its proper condition before consigning to the DRMO. DO NOT classify material in supply condition H unless it is truly unserviceable and does not meet repair criteria. ¶

    Just saying that unless you can inspect the lot, you may be bidding on a big pallet of junk.

    Caveat emptor.

  5. #85
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    I'd gladly participate and accept things "as is" but if I was you I might back off this endeavor unless you can see them in person. I'd hate for someone willing to stick their neck out for the good of the group have this turn out to be a nightmare for them.

  6. #86
    Senior Member ricegravy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercop View Post
    Put the wobbies in a zip lock and roll the air out.
    - George

    "Humiliate your surroundings"

  7. #87
    Senior Member dejoha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WonderMonkey View Post
    I'd gladly participate and accept things "as is" but if I was you I might back off this endeavor unless you can see them in person. I'd hate for someone willing to stick their neck out for the good of the group have this turn out to be a nightmare for them.
    Well, that last few posts have really made me re-think this endeavor. All of the lots of woobies are in Oklahoma, and we don't have any HF members who are close enough to make a site inspection an easy task.

    I also received word back from the shipping crew and found the prices just double with more boxes (somewhat expected).

    I hate to disappoint everyone, but I think the best decision will be to not pursue this bid at this time. New lots come up periodically, and perhaps when one comes closer (in my case, Arizona), I will be able to get on site and make a better determination.

    One other options I will look into is to check with my local surplus store and see if they would let me buy a bin through them -- I'd like to see what kind of "wholesale" discount they might offer, now that I know how the pricing works.

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