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  1. #1
    New Member Ghosty's Avatar
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    Wink Greetings from a certified Fat PNW Nerd (/positive)

    I joined a bit ago and never posted anything (social anxiety), but this forum helped me finally move away from mattresses and I've officially broken my first hammock!

    About me: Born in 1991 in Cali, from a nerd household, Sagittarius, trans (ftm), ADHD, twitch streamer, living alone in an apartment but hope to have a mini farm one day!

    About my sleep journey:

    I've always had trouble sleeping due to apnea, insomnia, and being picky about texture and temperature, etc. Sleep has always been a nightmare, pardon the pun.

    I had become homeless in my 20s and forced to experiment with a great many ways of sleeping, all of which were uniquely terrible. Plus lugging a queen mattress or a twin frame around every time I had to move was also terrible. (Which happened a lot, bouncing from one couch surfing spot to another and sleeping in cars, etc.)

    Examples of "home" sleeping spots I've had:

    • On a very used queen-sized futon on top of very used wood pallets in the back of a van. (Frightening.)
    • On a rubberized gym mat on the concrete floor of a warehouse full of other homeless people. (Easy to hose down, I guess.)
    • On top of a sleeping bag filled with pool noodles on the floor of somebody else's bedroom closet. (Quickly flattened to uselessness.)
    • On a twin-sized "camping mat" on top of a thin sheet of wood on top of a bunch of milk crates. (Surprisingly comfortable.)
    • On a queen mattress on top of another queen mattress on top of a fold-out couch-bed. (Preposterously bouncy!)
    • On a literal couch. (Too short and prominent "bones"... I kept losing bloodflow to my brain because my neck was on a wood corner. And this is on several different couches, even though I am not a tall man at 5'6"/167cm.)

    I learned a lot of things about my sleep needs over the years.
    For instance:

    • I have wide hips, so sleeping on the floor or flat surfaces quickly becomes an actual medical issue that gets worse every day.
    • I tend to drool and/or get acid reflux, so my head has to be straight and elevated.
    • I really don't need or want that big of a bed. The extra space ends up getting used for non-bed things anyway, so I'd prefer to just have more furniture and floor space instead.
    • I'm very easily frustrated with keeping all my blankets and pillows "just-so" as I tend to thrash around at night.
    • For whatever reason, I always feel like I'm going to roll and fall off a mattress. I hate "finding the edge" of it at night and I always try to lay exactly in the center.
    • Keeping a bed aired out and stopping it from collecting dust underneath is a losing battle.

    Also, I kept losing "custody" of entire bed components because of being forced to move around suddenly all the time.

    I finally got in a headspace of "what's something I can pack up and move house with if I had to, that will easily fit through a door, and that I can carry myself without help?"

    I had already tried cots and I hated them. They break easily, have all sorts of weird pressure points, and are tippy and creaky. And sleeping bags were both not enough support AND too bulky, not to mention incredibly easy to overheat in. I have a nice "all the way back" recliner I collected from the dump, but it's extremely bulky and can only be tolerably slept in for a few days in a row due to its very-structured nature.

    And so on, the problems and ponderings and experiments went...

    You can see where I'm going with this!

    I started looking up hammock info and quickly became zealously interested.

    Hammocks solve literally every problem I have!

    I ended up reading about indoor hanging from this forum and made my own setup. It was hard to get in the mental zone of "yes, you are allow to not use a mattress" and I felt like I was a deranged weirdo when I tried explaining my thought process to friends, but surprisingly I managed to convert a lot of people by explaining my discoveries.

    I think my biggest problem right now is bigness itself. I'm about 330lb/150kg. I think that lead to the two failures I'm currently dealing with. But it was definitely illuminating and it's only made me want to try harder and keep going, because even with a crappy hammock it's still the best sleep I've ever gotten in my life.

    So thank you to everyone here for keeping the dream alive, spreading the good news, and being such a helpful and positive community.

    I'm learning a lot and I will continue to learn!

    I'll probably go back to lurking lol, see ya! <3
    Last edited by Ghosty; 02-14-2024 at 10:31.

  2. #2
    LowTech's Avatar
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    Another "houseless" person here, but mine is by choice and has been for over 40 years. A hammock setup definitely makes it easier to relocate as needed.

    I would recommend possibly getting a good double layer hammock as their weight rating is higher than a single layer. Of course we don't really know how yours "broke". A good portable stand might be helpful as well. A Tensa4 would be my go to.

    Sleeping in the desert,

    "Sent w/o me knowing"

  3. #3
    Senior Member Salt's Avatar
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    Welcome from another large PNW hanger!

    I do consider removing my bed frequently as sleeping in a hammock is so much better...

    Here's my current recommendation for a balance of price, durability, and comfort:

  4. #4
    Member MikeCD's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum! I would love to know more about your homemade setup. I am a big fan of DIY!
    New to hanging!

  5. #5
    New Member Ghosty's Avatar
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    LowTech, thank you for the reccomendation! And I like your setup, it looks very peaceful! I don't think there's anywhere around here that I could actually live houseless. Usually if the hooligans don't get you, the weather does.

    I'd love to know how you are "allowed" to be where you are, since I don't know of a way except for owning land or knowing someone who does, and that's currently outside my ability. That's always been the problem around here, not being "allowed" to be anywhere.

    Plus I'm more of an indoor/outdoor type, I'd probably prefer a camper setup I think. I wonder about this a lot...

    Either way, I'm glad it's working out for you. At least one of us can live the dream ^^

    I'll post photos of the "break" in my next posts on this thread.

  6. #6
    New Member Ghosty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salt View Post
    Welcome from another large PNW hanger!

    I do consider removing my bed frequently as sleeping in a hammock is so much better...

    Here's my current recommendation for a balance of price, durability, and comfort:
    Thank you for the reccomendation! And yeah us big ones should help each other out ^^ Sometimes engineering writes us off as "edge cases" instead of people lol. I get more and more into DIY as a result! I will check out this listing ^^

  7. #7
    New Member Ghosty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeCD View Post
    Welcome to the forum! I would love to know more about your homemade setup. I am a big fan of DIY!
    Thank you! My setup is pretty janky, be warned! I may have an interest in DIY, but my skill, experience, and talent is low. I do NOT reccomend my setup to other people.


    The room from the doorway, I think my anchor points are only 9ft apart as it's a small apartment, though I might be tempted to move furniture around and try again if I wasn't about to move soon.


    The anchor points were originally chain, carabiners, and d-rings, but the setup was very noisy and was making very concerning creaking noises. I found that the metal-on-metal friction was causing the metal to sort of shave itself away, so I tried various things to buffer them, such as rubber strips, masking tape, ace bandages, and finally duct tape, which (of course) seems to be working. It's also stopping the d-ring from attacking the wall.

    You can see here the result of my first failure— there is a semi-circular groove carved out of the drywall around what was originally a screw hole for the d-ring. One night I heard a huge "CRACK" noise and when I investigated, I found the screw had sheered completely off. So I flipped the thing up and made a third hole and kept going, lol. That's when added more "padding".


    This is the result of the second failure. The hammock itself snapped under my butt. At this point I can no longer use it, as hanging in it promotes the progression of a rip in the gathered end.


    I believe this is what we used to install. As you might be able to tell, I do not actually have 9 inches of suspension between the ends of the hammock and the wall. It turns out I didn't factor in having the mattress underneath. If I hang it correctly, I'm on both the hammock AND the mattress. So I had it tightened up to clear the height of the mattress, rather than making additional holes in the wall, or getting rid of the mattress for good. (I wasn't ready at the time but I probably am now.) I wouldn't be surprised if this is a factor in the rope breaking. But I don't really know.

    All told, I'm not mad, as the sleep has been worth it, myself and the walls are yet undamaged (except for the replastering I will have to do), and the hammock was cheap garbage that I picked up from 5 Guys in the summer anyway!

    My next move will be to try to upgrade to a more well-engineered or expensive setup if need be, now that I know I want to pursue this as a permanent sleeping arrangement.
    Last edited by Ghosty; 02-15-2024 at 02:45.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Welcome! I’m glad to hear you have been enjoying yourself and solving a lot of problems. What will make it even more enjoyable is when other become involved in it because of what you teach them! Thanks for posting!

  9. #9
    Slugger's Avatar
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    There is plenty to explore in this forum as to types of hammocks. For us "big guys" I prefer using Bill Towsend's BGBH or Big Guys Bridge Hammock, although there are several other different makes of bridge hammocks out there also. Have fun exploring and diving down the rabbit holes!
    Retired US Navy, 10-year Stage IIIb colon cancer survivor. I believe my last words will be "Hold my beer..."

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