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  1. #1
    OlTrailDog's Avatar
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    Mythical Flat Lay 90 degree hammock Milestone

    I've tried bridge hammocks, my first hammock was a WBRR, and when I discovered the Hammocktent 90* the WBRR was sent along for others to enjoy. Simply too much shoulder squeeze in standard bridge for my preferences. It is true that I've only tried the WBRR and there are other bridge hammocks that could be more comfortable. It is also true that 90* hammocks have their limitations and draw backs. But all in all, from my experience the 90* hammocks offer the most comfortable flat and side lay opportunities. I currently have own the three Hammocktent 90* models (alpha, beta, and gamma) and a DIY experimental version with some notable modifications. Previously I've owned a Exped Ergo and a couple of Amoks. I also owned a Haven, but I thought it was too narrow and hung too low for my hanging preferences. Plus, the Hammocktent, Amok, Crosshammock, and Haven were pad obligate hammocks. A short coming that I circumvented with my DIY 90* model and my modifications to the Hammocktent 90*s I own. Thanks Stevebo for bring up Crosshammock as an option as it has been a while since they were on my radar.

    I know I've barfed out a number of comments regarding some mythical hammock project for the past five years. I'm sure that has been a topic of much annoyance to some HF denizens, especially Billy Bob, Stevebo, and some others who have contacted me. However, last week a major hammock vendor who I had been communicating with asked for the go ahead to incorporate some of my DIY in an upcoming new and innovative hammock 90* design they would like to proffer. This is a major milestone in my efforts to share this with the hammock community. However, the secrecy will need to continue while the vendor develops the new hammock design. The great news is they are vey much a Git'r Done company. Until then, I remain with my fingers crossed, my hopes high, a realistic understanding that not all ideas are equally great, and the hammock market is a tough go. In addition, not all hammock designs suit everybody. Nonetheless, I'm jacked.

  2. #2
    Senior Member stevebo's Avatar
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    Congrats! Im looking fwd to seeing what your vendor comes up with! As some one who has spent quite a bit time and energy working with diy 90 degree hammocks, Im pretty familiar with the engineering challenge's involved. My hats off to any one who can make a 90 degree hammock that works without a pad! ( its a very challenging project-I never could get it to work and finally gave up!)
    FYI: If you want to know what type a certain bear is, sneak up behind it and kick it. Then,
    run like crazy and climb up a tree. If the bear climbs the tree and eats you, it's a black
    bear. If the bear just pushes the tree over and eats you, it's a grizzly bear : )

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  3. #3
    OlTrailDog's Avatar
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    In deed it does take a bit more than sewing two end channels and some hems. But for encouragement, if this 72 yo guy with limited sewing experience can make it happen it is entirely possible. Also a big kudos to the used Bernina 930 that has sewn amazingly over several hammock projects.

  4. #4
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    I haven't been on this site in months, and I happen to arrive for this announcement. Can't wait to see what they come up with. Agree, the 90 degree design is "the best" design (for some of us at least). Congrats, I know you've been working on this for quite some time

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    OlTrailDog's Avatar
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    Hey Jim, thanks for the encouragement. I was wracking my brain trying to remember your user name because you, like Stevebo and BillyBob, have expressed a continued interest in this project despite the never ending delays and confidentiality. However, I am also aware that making a modify hammock that works well for me isn't the same as one of our vendors devoting the time, expense, and risk that goes into developing a hammock that appeals to multiple hammock users that come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and physical capabilities. On the positive side this is the second major hammock vendor that thought this version of a 90* had sufficient merit to want to explore working with it. Unfortunately, the first vendor clearly lacked the capability to make it happen and their request for confidentiality stymied moving forward for several years. I have considerable more confidence in the second vendor's demonstrated abilities.

  6. #6
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    count me amongst the continuing interested as well. I'd definitely be curious to see a padless 90 degree, that hopefully is as comfortable as the draumr

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