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Thread: Winter Tarps

  1. #31
    wow 65" ! ok, Ill do some experimenting!

    may I ask what diameter pole you are using, and what ends?
    I see many folks simple loop over the grommet end, but Id rather have a loop or something more solid

  2. #32
    Phantom Grappler's Avatar
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    Winter Tarps

    Dutch’s bonded seam winter tarp with doors and internal pole mods has worked well for me.
    Dutch made it 12x11&half feet.
    He also sells other length ridgelines and widths that are smaller than one I got.

    So far, the bonded seam with no sewing on ridgeline has not leaked even one drop.
    The tarp doors can be closed or the tarp can make great use of internal pole mods to make an open high porch—even two high porches, one on each side. Double porch mode!
    If some rain and little or no wind I leave my 12x11&half footer with two open porches—-staying high and dry!
    But if high winds, can close tarp and doors tighter than a drum

    I tie guylines that correspond to internal pole mods ends to the trees my hammock is hanging.
    The door flap corners can be staked down directly to ground. And sometimes I tie corners of door flaps to nearby trees and in some cases directly to trees hammock is on

    Sometimes I reinforce door flap pole stakes by weighting stake with a log or rock.

    Sometimes (usually) my tarp is not the neatest set up…looking like a shanty. My main goal is to be ready for winds and not having stakes pulled out and flapping on tarp when a storm suddenly strengthens.
    Sometimes I use no stakes
    Last edited by Phantom Grappler; 02-28-2024 at 18:51.

  3. #33
    LowTech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mouthfulloflake View Post
    wow 65" ! ok, Ill do some experimenting!

    may I ask what diameter pole you are using, and what ends?
    I see many folks simple loop over the grommet end, but Id rather have a loop or something more solid
    I use these pole in the .344.

    I haven't put any ends on them as I use them in different combos for other tarps and don't want the shock cord running through them. I also figured out that the hooked cord locks that come w/ Onewind tarps hooks nicely into the end of the poles, so I have four of them on shock cord loops attached to my panel pulls.

    "Sent w/o me knowing"

  4. #34
    Thank you Low Tech!

    I got my CRL rigged, and the onewind has been shading my hammock for a few days now, poles are arriving today.

  5. #35
    my cheap poles from amazon arrived, and I converted them to shorter lengths, and figured out a way to use a larks head on the grommet tips to secure to the pull outs.

    this is my first iteration of a CRL also, still developing that, but its 100% functional as is.

    seems to work well, plenty of coverage and its stable in the wind, I am open to criticism and suggestions though!
    help me improve it


    Last edited by mouthfulloflake; 03-06-2024 at 13:13.

  6. #36
    Senior Member Crazytown3's Avatar
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    I think it looks okay! Functional is good, and those little tweaks here and there tend to just come about after you use stuff.

  7. #37
    I rained the last day or so and it all went slack, so I had to add some loops on my prussics and re-tighten

    The doors are throwing me for a loop, have yet to figure out a way to get them in a closed position and the guy lines not be in my way, I plan to experiment more this weekend while hanging around.
    Last edited by mouthfulloflake; 03-08-2024 at 10:20.

  8. #38
    LowTech's Avatar
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    Since you're in the experimenting phase you should consider a Klemheist instead of a Prussic. You can still add the pull loop but I'm finding them easier to wrap and they seem to grip better, but remember that they are directional unlike the Prussic.

    "Sent w/o me knowing"

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by LowTech View Post
    Since you're in the experimenting phase you should consider a Klemheist instead of a Prussic. You can still add the pull loop but I'm finding them easier to wrap and they seem to grip better, but remember that they are directional unlike the Prussic.

    "Sent w/o me knowing"
    that looks like an improvement thanks!

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