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    alt.thomas's Avatar
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    Yamanashi Japan One nighter - an over abundance of Fuji (6/17-6/18)

    I tried this hike last year and failed

    Lesson learned and I returned back with aim to head to a famous mountain known because it was from that location where THE famous mountain in Japan was used in the old 500 yen bill.

    Started off at JR Kai-Yamato and was amongst the crowd waiting for the cash-only shuttle bus.

    Even though there were at least a hundred people in line, they prepared enough buses for all of us. It was a long ride up 1580m to the last stop at the trailhead nearest from Mt. Daibosatsu.

    Daibosatsu is one the hundred famous mountains of Japan and there are two ways up the summit from the trailhead: a one hour direct route or an easier 1.5 hr route.

    First view of Fuji on the hike up the direct route.

    Final view from the top

    The peak of the mountain (2056.9m) is a short hike north surrounded by trees offering limited views.

    Returned back and enjoyed the walk across the ridge.

    The sign marking the ridge of Daibosatsu getting better bling than the summit

    Passed the last gift shops and the crowd of hikers dropped considerably.

    Just me on this segment

    Glancing at Fuji time to time.

    All the names around this area are so hard to remember if you don’t know Kanji.

    You are going to see a lot of Fuji

    I’m not even thinking to type the name of this peak.

    More Fuji!!

    Headed back into the trees and down off the ridge.

    Hiked down and arrived at a parking lot. Talked to a bunch of folks in their 60s about the area. It was very buggy all day but I noticed a bee-like bug on my leg and the guy I was talking to warned me to swat it off before it bites, else it leaves a black welt on your skin. I dutifully swatted the bug and proceeded to drench myself with Picardin.

    First and last opportunity to fill up for the day. I carried 3.2 liters of water at the start of the day and had around 300ml left.

    Filled up with enough water for the final hike up, dinner, breakfast and return back to this spot the next day.

    Heading up and looking back a few times.

    Reached the final summit of the day - Mt. Gangaharasuri

    A sign denoting the significance of this place.

    The 500 yen notes were in circulation for no more than 43 years until it was replaced by the coin which were introduced in 1982. The last bills were printed in 1994.

    My attempt to recreate it, minus the snow cap

    Found a nice albeit buggy place and was glad I did not pack my half-wit.

    I brought along my Tensa Treez pole but realized I lost the tightening nut some where in transit either on the train or bus. I tried to set up the pole but one of the anchors kept slipping. I gave up as I was getting hungry and the bugs were swarming everywhere.

    Mmmm, expired mountain house. Still delicious.

    Enjoying the evening solitude

    Day 1 by the numbers

    Did not sleep well because of high shrills and footsteps of several dears nearby. By the time I remembered I packed earplugs, it was already 3am and woke up 3 hrs later.

    Breakfast view

    Groggily heading back down

    Heading back up

    My pace was slow and I was struggling. Heart rate was fine, legs feeling well but I was utterly exhausted clawing my way back up the ridge that I climbed down the previous day.

    My head began to clear after hitting the second peak of the day. Feeling better, took more shots of Fuji.

    Followed a river back down to a hot spring I went to last year. The last bit of “trail” before an hour road walk.

    “The Road” walk

    Hachidairyuo Shrine

    Hot springs at Tenomoku

    Some where along the river I felt a bug land on my neck and swatted it. My fingers were covered in blood and sure enough, I noticed a big black welt on my shoulder in the change room mirror at the hot spring.

    The end of the trip with a snack and lunch.
    Braised offal and mushroom (maitake aka “hen of the wood”) tempura. Draft of Asahi Super Dry

    Today’s special: fried shrimp, saba and aji (blue and horse mackerels), silky tofu and the saltiest miso soup I’ve ever tasted outside the home.

    Day 2 by the numbers

    Trip details on Komoot

    Day 1:
    Day 2:
    Last edited by alt.thomas; 06-20-2023 at 23:48.

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