I came, I saw, I left.... well I did not leave willingly . Got to the hang on Friday about 3PM. Temps were 19 degrees, lots of snow on the ground but the roads were clear. Set up my hammock.. Sat around the fire trying to stay warm. Do not remember who made it but I had a bowl of chicken soup / stew. Very good. Met several new folks and some old friends.

About midnight I was the last one up so I put several logs on the fire to make sure there would be some hot coals in the AM. Temps were 17 degrees at this point. Don't know why but I started to get very very cold and felt like I was having an asthma attack. I think it had something to do with the blood thinners I am on. Decided to be safe and took down my hammock, threw it in my truck and left. Got a hotel room and it took several hours before I felt warm again. I did see lots of deer on the side on the roads when leaving.

Hopefully everyone else is doing OK. Guess I will have to wait to try and break my PB of 9 degrees hanging in a hammock in the snow . Shug's record of -40 is safe for now.