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  1. #1
    Rockdawg69's Avatar
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    WNC 12th Annual John Rock Event - 22 -25 July 2021

    Here is the spot for your favorite memories of this year’s John Rock. And your other thoughts, maybe not so favorite. Type away hangers.

    Never pass up a chance to use a restroom! Especially after 3 hours of driving!!!!!!!

    Professional Prevaricator: Part-time dealer in Yarns, Tales, Half-Truths, & Outright Lies -1st half-hour session at no cost (Lawyers and Doctors excepted).

  2. #2
    gunner76's Avatar
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    First time I have been able to make it to the hang at John Rocks and the Enchanted Forest. Don't know why but people were making fun of me for hiking in wearing my flip flops, told them people hike the AT barefooted.

    Got hammock set up and went to set my chair under Big Blue ( a big big tarp ). A few minutes later the monsoons hit. While we were trying to dump the pockets of water building up on the tarp one corner broke. We were still able to stay fairly dry but then the water flowing down the hill poured thru the dry space under the tarp creating a large mud pit. Three ladies decided to show to the camp in the middle of the rains and they were soaking. Rains finally stopped and I checked my hammock set up and everything was dry under the tarp. Was a bit concerned as I was using a DIY tarp and while it has never leaked, it has never had to put with a rain this heavy. I then to the creek to check on the beer I left in the cold water and found that the beer was gone due the increased water flow from the runoff. I was looking forward to that beer.

    Brother Bones shared his home chili which was very tasty. I was able to con him out of a second helping.

    Later that night the entertainment started. Yogi the Bear came back around midnight looking for food and stayed around all night. All our attempts to scare him or her off did not work. The bear is not the least bit scared of humans and got very close to us ( 20 to 30 feet or closer ). We collected all the food stuffs not in bear canisters and hung them from trees. People were up most of the night keeping a look out for Yogi and he made numerous attempts to enter the camp site to look for food. I saw him heading towards the camp and walking off about 6 times. I have run into a bear while night hiking years ago ( we got within about 10 feet of each other ) and no desire to repeat the experience. We all agreed during the night to cut the hang short so as soon as it got light enough to see most of us started packing to leave. I think I was the first to leave. I had no problem hiking up or down the trail in my flip flops and I did not have to put up with wet shoes like most of the hangers.

    Last edited by gunner76; 07-24-2021 at 16:20.
    I am still 18 but with 53 years of experience !

  3. #3
    Phantom Grappler's Avatar
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    WNC 12th Annual John Rock Event - 22 -25 July 2021

    Got to meet new hammock campers and see old friends. Enchanted Forest now has no John Rock hammock campers remaining.
    Thank you Tacoma and Foxpoop for hosting another great hang—my favorite of all hangs.
    My favorite, cause all the cool kids hang here.
    We welcome all of our newest hammock creatures.
    I’ll miss some names here, forgive me, I’m almost 95 years young. From South Carolina Mrs Shaw, Dragon Lady and JailBait,
    King of cool: Fritz, I wouldn’t have lost two chess matches in a row but it was too windy and the sun was in my eyes while rain simultaneously dripped off brim of my hat into my eyes.
    We had two Jim’s and Pat, TomTom and Ponyo, Twistytee, BossHogg and several other old pros that I could not remember if I’d seen at this hang or other hangs!!! RoundTripRaven is an experienced hammock camper but I cant remember if this is your first John Rock Hang or no??? When you’re almost 100 the past becomes a blur. Ditto Need2noCallahan!!!
    And DetailMan introduced us to Jessica and showed their double Fronkey style bug net, an engineering marvel.

    Adding Gunner and McIntyre, hard for me to think of so many new to John Rock, while already being old pro hammockers

    Bob saved the night by keeping a campfire burning all night—the night of the bear.
    Slugger and Bob kept us going with their heartwarming stories.

    I know I’ve omitted some names of our first time John Rock campers, please forgive me as I’ll be 92 in no time.

    Last edited by Phantom Grappler; 07-25-2021 at 17:17.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Twistytee's Avatar
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    Wanted to echo Phantom’s thanks to Tacoma and Foxpoop for hosting. I know it’s a thankless job but for new guys like me it’s a treat to meet forum members in person and see the various gear set-ups. Kevin- hope your quilts get repaired and hope to see you again on another NC trip. Jeremy- pleasure hiking with you and Zoe and thanks for the chili and beer tastings. That hike to John Rock was one of the wettest on record. Gunner- thankfully that dead tree holding our straps held firm, would have been a shame if Phantom had to take a next of kin photo with just my legs visible from below. And I believe it wasn’t just one persnickety bear but a sleuth of multiple black bears circling the camp and stealing beers and steaks? The legend grows larger…

  5. #5
    Senior Member Foxpoop's Avatar
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    WNC 12th Annual John Rock Event - 22 -25 July 2021

    Thanks to all for coming. It was definitely eventful. Sorry I had to leave and go to work and sorry that everyone had to meet my best friend last night. Thanks Tacoma, you did almost all of the work for this one. Hope to see everyone soon.

    R.I.P to my quilts and pillows. I hope some of the down got stuck in the bear’s throat and made him gag.

  6. #6
    Slugger's Avatar
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    John Rock hang quickly became Pain-in-the Arse Bear Hang 2021! But despite having to cut the hang short it was always a great time there. A huge thanks to Tacoma & Foxpoop for sponsoring it again! I had made a trip down to the parking lot Friday afternoon and was on my way back up when the monsoon-style downpour started. It was interesting trying to go up the trail with the trail turning into a swift river. Saw old friends and met several new people...always fun! I barely heard the bear calls Friday night, but distinctly heard when someone yelled "He's over by Chappy's tarp!!!" That immediately got my attention because that was near me also. So it was Friday Night Lights the rest of the night interspersed with jumping up & chasing off the bear. All in all it was still a fun hang to attend and I am already looking forward to next year!
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    Retired US Navy, 10-year Stage IIIb colon cancer survivor. I believe my last words will be "Hold my beer..."

  7. #7
    Senior Member tom_tom's Avatar
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    3rd night of John rock hang became a gorge hang with ponyo uncle bubba roger McIntyre need to know and joyride after rat mamma and Kenny Ray invited us to the gorge. They had to leave early thu but was good to see em.kenny ray lent us a grill and we grilled 2 London broils and boiled potatoes made in a coffee can. Every cleared the campfire to go to bed bought 1030 woke up had break fast and coffee .
    Not all those who wander are lost

  8. #8
    Senior Member tom_tom's Avatar
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    Finished the trip with a stop by wisemens then famous louises
    Not all those who wander are lost

  9. #9
    Tacoma96's Avatar
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    First of all i want to thank everyone who attended or would of attended had we not cut this event short. Arrived at fish hatchery thursday at 11:13 and it took me an hour to get up to the site, having a new pack which I will never use again did not help. I was amazed how many people were there thursday when I arrived. The people kept on joining us and soon we were at 30 with very few trees left to hang. Thanks for all who brought up firewood that was a big help as I was not in the best of shape to go up and down the hill this year. Thanks to the ones who donated to the hotdog roast that we did not have and I will refund you, I know who you are, my four dogs and Loretta and Big Bills grand kids will appreciate all the hotdogs. Thanks to all who helped set up big blue and Chappy for taking it down. Thanks Jeff for bringing big blue to the camp, and thanks for Pappy Amos and PG for your ready to help assistance. Thanks to Foxpoop for always getting the site and you assistance. Thanks to all the new people I met. I dont need to talk much about friday night since I was not a witness to the activity so nothing to add there. But the small group I was talking to friday night agreed that we will leave camp saturday morning and go to a hotel. Upon waking up Saturday most people were taking there gear down and I am glad, Safety of our group comes first, we did not want bear(s) coming back on saturday and possibly hurt someone. My group left the camp around 10AM with only a few stranglers left. Arrived at the Hotel with Loretta and Big Bill in which I wanted to get a room since Bill and Loretta already reserved theirs. So went to reception desk with pretty smile for both the receptionist the the only room cleaner that showed up. Told them my situation and they gave me the owners room for a good price and told me the room would be ready between 1-3PM. I then looked at the cleaning lady and gave her what I called and early christmas present (CASH). At 11:15 Am the cleaning lady came to Bill and Lorettas room where I was chilling and told me my room was ready, gave me the key, then said the AC was on and the door was unlocked. Spend the rest of day chilling with both them then called it a night. We left Brevard around 9AM and I arrived home at 2:45PM. Took my time. End of story.

    So question is will John Rock happen next year? ABSOLUTELY

    Some things that might change that Kevin, tim, joe, loretta, and myself have been talking about is:

    Moving the month of this hang from July to either June or May (I prefer May)
    I want to move the hotdog roast to friday night so people who want to leave on saturday (I enjoyed leaving on saturday getting a hotel and shower before heading home) can enjoy the roast.
    I think now everyone knows the importance of bear canisters and keeping food away from your sleep area.
    We will monitor bear activity in that area which is now an annoyance and I do feel sorry for the bears cause they wont win the battle, so sad.

    Once again thanks to all who attended and helped out, if am deeply sorry if I did not mention everyones names. Thanks for reading.
    Straight out of Clayton.

    Most physical hike: Grandfather Mountain, NC. Aug 13.

    I don't need to make my pack lighter. I need to make my (_*_) lighter.

  10. #10
    Senior Member jb_outdoors's Avatar
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    Sad that I missed meeting everyone but the right choice was made to prioritize safety. I look forward to meeting some of y'all later this year at another hang!
    -- Josh

    "Courage, mon ami! Le Diable est mort!"

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