Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Grappler View Post
Packman, you might want to substitute an alpine butterfly loop for continuous loop.
Make loop as small as needed.
Alpine butterfly loop resists ringloading. Ringloading is the same force that continuous loops are good at resisting.
Ringloading is like pulling the loop in opposite directions to stretch or pull apart the loop.

Only problem is now your loop would have a bump on it in form of a knot.
Thank you! I make continuous loops with a locked brummel, which leaves a little bump but I don't mind, but it gets around the bury-only method that can slip when not under load.

I've toyed with making one long dogbone and sewing in the larks heads where it attaches to the hammock. In this case, instead of the larks head at the turtle, you're right the butterfly will hold better...I'll give it a try.