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  1. #1
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    Organizing a Group camp hammock

    How can I Successfully Organize, Communicate, Setup and participate in a Group hammock

    My grandparents own a place 2 hours south west of Montgomery,Al that is perfect for hammock camping and I have permission and will continue to have permission unless I burn the forest down.

    I have time to setup and organize I just don't know where to start, the only thing that I have done is ask family members if they want to go (I have 3 willing to go with me).

    I would like to go from one weekend to the next (so that if you have free time on the weekend or the next one you can come or if you have time during the week).

    I can do for 1 full week every 9 weeks (school) and during the (US) summer months & on most weekends.

    I would like to get campers, hammock campers, and hikers (mostly hammock campers) to come and join me ,have a fun time, share knowledge and anecdotes, trade gear, and maybe do a competition , and mostly, be safe.

    P.M. me if you want addition information or would like to have a personal chat with me!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Smckinney0031's Avatar
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    First thing is to set a date and time, check the forums to make sure it does not interfere with the bigger hangs close to the area. Then post date time and details in the section here on the forum.

  3. #3
    cmc4free's Avatar
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    If you're interested to check out the book The Ultimate Hang 2, there is some info in there about organizing a group hang. Not trying to be a schill for the book, but it has some advice on the topic, and is a good all-around hammock resource for beginners. Not saying you are a beginner, but you could easily pass the book along to a friend or family member you're hoping to convert to hammock camping.

  4. #4
    Senior Member The Tree Frog's Avatar
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    Decide if it is BYO food, fixed menu with shared expense, or everyone bring something. You can create a sign up sheet so you don't have too much or duplicates.
    NJ Hammock Club Facebook Page - Come join the party!

  5. #5
    SilvrSurfr's Avatar
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    I've set up a few group hangs and been involved in a few others.

    First, pick a date. Don't ask when people are available - that goes nowhere fast. You'll never find a date that works for everyone.
    Second, I wouldn't tell people the hang will span from one weekend to the next. That's going to result in nobody coming, if you ask me. Most people try to do group hangs on weekends, though some might come on Thursday and leave on Monday.
    Three, pick a place. If the place can only hold 30 people, then so be it - first come, first served.
    Four, figure out the food. Either provide a fixed menu (burgers, dogs, chili, etc.) for a fixed price, or ask people to bring something for a pot luck dinner.
    Five, post the group hang in the Hangouts, Campouts and Trip Planning section and provide a sign-up sheet.
    Six, if there are group campsite reservation expenses, or any other expenses, list them.

    Don't expect anyone to come. You can never tell people's availability, or maybe they just don't like south Alabama, or maybe they don't like you! The most successful group hangs I've seen do the above, and if people are interested, they'll come. Or maybe they won't. In which case, you should go anyway and enjoy yourself.

    There aren't a lot of HF members in Alabama, and even fewer group hangs, as far as I know. I'd be surprised if you got 10 people on your first group hang. Here in NJ, we have group hangs all the time. Sometimes it's just five or six people, and sometimes it's 70 people. We have the 3rd Annual Loco Libre Hang coming up the first of November and last year, 50+ people showed up. Right now, 38 people are signed up, but that number could rise, or it could fall. It's not worth even worrying about who will come. You can't predict people's schedules.

    Good luck!
    "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Ralph Waldo Emerson

  6. #6
    Senior Member Karla "with a k"'s Avatar
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    Here is a previous thread on this topic along with my post on how to be a good host.


    I've organized several hammock hangs and came up with this list on how to be a great hammock hang host:

    How to be a great host for a hammock hang

    1. Get input to select location & date
    2. Call the park and ask about any restrictions on hammock camping
    3. Reserve site(s)
    4. Post a thread listing as many details as you can.
    Common questions:
    Who to pay when (cash on site, paypal ahead of time?)
    Do you need a special park sticker for entrance or parking?,
    nearest water source,
    type of toilet available (flush, pit, none),
    showers available?
    firewood availability (purchase at park? use downed wood?),
    dogs allowed?,
    activities available: hiking, biking, kayaking, fishing, or swimming,
    Are we having any shared potluck meals?
    How many vehicles are allowed on-site
    5. Create a sign-up sheet (Google docs is commonly used) and post it in your thread. (You can copy/download one which has been used before, update it, and then upload to share)
    6. Check the thread periodically
    7. Answer any questions
    8. Invite friends and promote the hang (on Facebook groups,
    9. Know the location of the nearest emergency center in case of any accident
    10. Encourage people to car pool
    11. Take pictures or ask someone else to take pictures - include a group picture
    12. Write up a trip report & post it on the forums

    Include in the report:
    Date/Location/ Site #/ Weather
    How many in attendance?
    What activities were done?
    What foods were eaten?
    Feedback on date, location, site # for next time
    Any other general thoughts/reflections on the hang?
    Anything to note for a future host?
    ◘ Oct 3-6: miCHILIgan @ Middleville, MI ◘ Jan 3-5: 14th Annual Wisconsin Frozen Butt Hang @ Pearson WI ◘ May 2025: BACONFEST @ Bong SP ◘ YouTube: karlawithak216 ◘ Instagram: ◘ 104 months

  7. #7
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    SilvrSurfr & Karla "with a k" have given you great information. I have to agree, don't ask for available dates...set a date and go with it. You will never match everyone's schedule so match your own. You may get no one or you may have a bunch of people interested. Just be prepared.

    I see no reason why you could not start one weekend and end the next if you will be there the entire time. Most folks only do a weekend or 3 days at the most but some might take you up on the week.

    Mostly have fun and don't over organize. Keep it Simple.
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  8. #8
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    I made this video that addresses the topic about a year ago:

    My hiking/backpacking Youtube channel: Youtube

    My BackpackGearTest reviews: Reviews

    If you have an HH, then you should read my SuperShelter review: HH Super Shelter

  9. #9
    gunner76's Avatar
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    Having organized and held about a dozen group hangs I agree with the above information. After I scheduled my first hang a person from the SC Palmetto Hangers complained that I had scheduled my hang the same time as one of theirs ( to date none of the Palmento Hangers have attended any of my hangs that I know of while I have attended theirs...not a complaint just an observation ). My answer to the person was the good news is there are more hangs for hangers to choose from and go to....the bad news is is there are more hangs for hangers to choose from and go to. Meaning you can't attend them all.

    Don't get discourage if mot many people show up. Some folks like small hangs, other like big hangs.

    Walk the site you plan to hold the hang from and estimate how many hangers the site will allow. You will probably be low as hangers always amaze me at some of the spots they are able to hang their rigs. Let if be know if stands are recommended.

    Fire wood and do folks need to bring any ect. Any local restrictions on bringing in fire wood from outside the area ?

    How many cars can the parking area hold. Get a sign made at the local sign shop ( will run about $30; bright yellow with black letters stands out ) saying "Hammock Hang" with arrows so you can mark the turn to the parking area. If there are any size restrictions on the size of the vehicle ( like an RV or 5th wheel ) then let say not allowed or not recommended due to limited parking and or road not suitable

    Is alcohol allowed ? Some folks like to drink at the hang.

    Are tenters allowed ?

    Does anyone attending new to borrow any gear for the hang ?

    Grocery stores in area for obtaining supplies that people find they need like ice ect.

    Restrooms...showers, flush toilets, pit toilets. Many women hangers will not attend if showers and or flush toilets are not available.

    Food....most hangs I have been too have group meals, Set up a sign up sheet and let it be known if there is a theme,,,,DO cooking, Smoked Butt BBQ ect. Who can bring a camp kitchen ? Does not have to be fancy. The Terminator and I have two large totes that we keep the cooking stuff in like pots and pans, spoons, forks ect, large bowls for cleaning. Folding tables for serving food from and to be uses for clean up.

    Don't forget trash bags and trash cans with lids in case there raccoons in area.

    Pop up canopy to cook under. We have a 10x10 Easyup along with wind walls. They tend to cost more but they are easy to put up and take down.

    Whats the earliest one can arrive and when do they need to leave by.

    If you need help setting up a sign up and meal sign up sheet, let me know.

    Good luck,
    I am still 18 but with 53 years of experience !

  10. #10
    Senior Member Karla "with a k"'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunner76 View Post
    Many women hangers will not attend if showers and or flush toilets are not available.
    What?!? Are you kidding me? Are you freakin' kidding me?
    ◘ Oct 3-6: miCHILIgan @ Middleville, MI ◘ Jan 3-5: 14th Annual Wisconsin Frozen Butt Hang @ Pearson WI ◘ May 2025: BACONFEST @ Bong SP ◘ YouTube: karlawithak216 ◘ Instagram: ◘ 104 months

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