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  1. #81
    DocTheo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TieDownKing View Post
    No way man. If it's stupid and it works, it aint stupid.
    Hey, I know that reference!
    Medical professional, semi-professional Scouter, aspiring layabout.
    "If it's stupid, and it works - it's not stupid."


  2. #82
    Phantom Grappler's Avatar
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    Hahaha, backpacking into Uwharries this coming weekend. Gotta remember to pack dry clothes and two ponchos and rain coat
    Ooops don’t forget booney hat

    I hang ponchos over top of hammock ridgeline, and snap outermost edges shut from top to bottom.
    And snap innermost edges a snap or two at bottom

    This is in addition to lowering tarp down closer to hammock ridgeline and fastening doors closed

    Some dampness is par for the course
    If I notice any of my clothes are wet, that lets me know, I’m still alive
    They say you can earn extra power points by wearing wet clothes until they are bone dry.
    I’m not a gamer, but that has a ring of truth.

    Until you hear SilvrSurfr story of fording two flooded rivers with ALL of his clothes removed and packed in a dry bag in his pack, you ain’t heard a good story!
    After crossing second swollen river he got into his hammock to try to reverse hypothermia.
    His friend texted him and asked where he was. (He was kinda lost) and his friend figured out where he was and paddled down correct branch of flooded river to get SilvrSurfr into kayak-canoe, and join their group of New Jersey pine barrens campers.

    The story was better when SilvrSurfr wrote it.
    His grasp of English is better than mine-donchaknow!

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcmedic View Post
    Staying warm and dry matters far more now that I'm older. If it looks stupid and it works, then is it really that stupid? See attached image and let me know your thoughts.

    Gold Armor 14.7 ft Black Rainfly Tarp ($42)
    4 TrailBuddy Trekking Poles - Set to 130 cm ($40 pair)
    Wise Owl "Standard" Black Tarp ($26)

    I found that strong winds can pull out stakes from the larger tarps. An easy fix is to set double stakes for each corner of the 14.7ft tarp. Set the 1st stake at 45° angle towards the tarp and get all lines tight. Then lock that stake by pressing in another one sideways at 45° crossing in front of it. This creates an X and the inner stake locks the outer stake from moving. Using double stakes for the corners of both tarps has never failed me!
    That looks brilliant! Some people are after ultra-light. I'm for ultra-sensible.

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