Hello from PA! I work in IT and needed to find something "unwired" to have as a hobby. I got into backpacking a little over a year ago and have fallen completely in love the outdoors. My only issue is sleep. I have tent camped by entire life (car camping with big air mattresses), so when I was purchasing my gear to take on my first overnight trek I decided to go with a tent and inflatiable pad setup. I knew about hammocks but the idea of using them as your sleep system was foreign to me. I have not has a single comfortable sleep in my tent with my sleeping pad.

My main interest in getting into hanging is the comfort everyone raves about. Also, it will be really nice to have some new gear to use so I can let others use my original stuff (my friends like the idea of backpacking but not the initial costs) so I don't have to take so many solo trips.

I have done a lot of lurking here and although the learning curve is a little overwhelming, I am starting to get an idea of what I need/how everything works. Since I put out a decent bit of money not long ago with my sleep system, I'd like to save money where I can. But I defiintely do not want to skimp on the hammock itself since it will be my main comfort source. This has been a great place to learn and I appreciate all of the time and effort you all have put into making this style of backpacking/camping more obtainable to those just starting out! Thank you again and again!

Here is what I am thinking:

Hammock: Chameleon Wide with the Beetle Buckle suspension
- I am 6ft and 215lbs. From what I have read, the wide will be more comfortable for me.

Rain Fly: Chill Gorilla 12ft hex
- It has had some good reviews on here and doesn't break the bank.

UQ and TQ: I am thinking about going the DIY costco route.
- Until I get more comfortable with backpacking itself, I won't be doing overnights in temperatures that drop below 40f.

I would appreciate any thoughts/critiques on the gear I am thinking about as well as any advice you're willing to give!

Thank you all in advance!

*Let me know if there is a better place to post this.