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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoosierT View Post
    It's not used much on top quilts because it has a Urethane coating that makes it water proof. It's fairly breathable for what it is, but most would agree that it's not breathable enough for a top quilt. On the other hand, it does make for a great outer shell for an underquilt on a hammock. The huge number of quilts sold with ~.6 oz materials should go to show that it's is perfectly capable for the job and you'll also note that you will find virtually no complaints about real word durability issues.
    Good to know, but not sure how long it's been used. I'm always wary of people claiming something will last a long time when it's only been on the market for a couple of years.

  2. #22
    gunner76's Avatar
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    have a size 13 shoe.
    Wish I had feet that small.

    If you are camping in cold weather then I would go for a longer quilt.

    As heat rises and carries moisture ( sweat ), you would want a breathable TQ to allow said moisture to escape.
    I am still 18 but with 53 years of experience !

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