Here's a quickie on what I'm using this summer. Living where I do, it can be crazy windy and then be humid and still not an hour later, a good insulation system is a must. I try to have as many options as I can so I can hang as much as possible. Even so, I don't have a ton of money wrapped up in it. I picked up what I could when I could and went with a lot of the more budget type quilts for 3 season use. But when it comes to cold weather, I'll definitely spare no expense. Below zero isn't the time to get the cheapest quilts you can find. But when its warmer, I don't have a problem going the budget route. I'm sure I'll eventually go with a dedicated 3 season cottage made quilt set, but for now this works great: its verisitile and can be as lightweight as I need it to be while still giving me the I warmth I need on the trail or here at home. Other than the quilts you see in the vid, I also have a Snugpak TQ that I'm turning into a more traditional TQ by cutting off the " wings" and using them to deepen the footbox and shape it more like a TQ instead of a blanket. I also have a Snugpak jungle blanket 3/4 length UQ that I just got done upgrading to be more like a HG Pheonix with a primary and secondary suspension. I'll do a vid on each of those soon as well. Lemme know if you have any questions. ~>Chesapeake