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    Woman Responses Only Plz - Which hammock and why?

    If you were going to recommend a hammock to your female best friend who camps but not in a hammock, which one would it be any why?

    I would most likely recommend a Table Cloth 12 foot blank and help them make their own. Being only 5'2" I never expected to need or like a 12' hammock but it is by far the most comfortable I own. The fabric stretches a bit and I think that along with the length really makes a difference in comfort for me.

    So how about you?
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  2. #2
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    Since I am new to the whole hammock thing I went with Dutch's Hexon 1.0 because most of my camping is backpacking and I needed something lightweight. I guess it would depend on their budget but I don't think one can go wrong with a hammock from Dutch for the price.

  3. #3
    Senior Member tangara's Avatar
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    I've been handing out Yukon doubles for anybody who's showed an interest - only two so far. One was 5'2" and 120 or so, the other about 5'5" and probably over 200. Both snuggled right in and had a happy night without issues. Well, one had a neck problem until I asked if she tried to use a pillow. Oops, forgot to really stress the point that the pillow should be smaller if needed at all. The doubles I have are from a few years ago and are a little over 10 feet long and six feet wide. Plenty of room to find a lay you like, and the best was the cost. I've gotten them all for under $20, the most recent from a thrift store (finally!) for $7, new.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkurfiss View Post
    If you were going to recommend a hammock to your female best friend who camps but not in a hammock, which one would it be any why?

    I would most likely recommend a Table Cloth 12 foot blank and help them make their own. Being only 5'2" I never expected to need or like a 12' hammock but it is by far the most comfortable I own. The fabric stretches a bit and I think that along with the length really makes a difference in comfort for me.

    So how about you?
    All I've ever used are gathered-end hammocks, so that's definitely what I'd recommend. I'm 5'6" and for myself, I think 11' is the minimum. I've tried shorter hammocks and while a 10.5' will do, the 11' is much more comfortable.

    I sort of hate sewing, so my first recommendation would be a Dutch or Bearded Hanger hammock. (I love the fabric my BH is made from.) Though if I know that my friend is on a budget, I might skip that and go straight to the table cloth DIY. With the offer to let her borrow my sewing machine, but she's sewing it herself.

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    I was introduced to hammocks around 4 years ago when I got an ENO doublenest for my partner, just for us to take for relaxing when we went car camping. We were always able to take naps in them, but I did hate bugs and leaves falling on me, it always freaked me out.

    When I decided I wanted to go backpacking 2 years ago and started researching, I was overwhelmed at all of the options, and the hammock options were no different. When I decided to take the leap, I was looking for an easy setup, a built-in bug net (I hate bugs), and something sort of lightweight. I ended up going with a Warbonnet Blackbird and I really, absolutely love it. I'm only 5'2 and a half, so a hammock being too short is not a problem for me. I still love my ENO as well, and if that's all a fellow woman had or could afford, I would encourage them to get out there and use it. In fact, my friend who hammock camps with me took her ENO when we went last year and it worked great for her. She's since bought a used hennessy hammock, so I'm looking forward to laying in that this year to get a feel for it.

  6. #6
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    The basic gathered end is always a winner in my book. It is easy to make, and affordable.

    I've been thinking a lot about length lately because I'm planning to make a hammock for my niece for her 8th birthday. She is tall for her age, but is sort if swallowed up by my 11' GE hammock. Yet she wants a full size.

    She will probably out grow anything smaller in short order.
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    I would recommend an 11-12' hammock. I find that anything shorter causes more calf ridge problems for me even being 5'4". It's according to how much they want to spend and what kind of conditions (hiking vs car camping, time of year, area, etc) they will be camping in whether to recommend bug nets, etc.
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    I would probably recommend one of Dutch's hammocks. They are a good length for comfort and still lightweight. The price is reasonable. I would definitely loan a newbie one of my hammocks, to help them decide if a hammock would work. If the woman was handy with a sewing machine, I would recommend a DIY. Cheap and customizable. There is definitely a sense of satisfaction in using something that you have made.

  9. #9
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    I have a 10' Dream Hammock Freebird 1.0. I bought it, because I didn't know which way I preferred to sleep in a hammock (thank goodness, because I prefer feet left when on my back), and I don't like being limited. Too, it is lightweight. Being a side/back/star-shaped sleeper and knowing I prefer a softer bed, I found the stretchiness of the lighter weight material is bliss, gentle on my hips. A firmer, thicker material is too stiff and will keep me awake. And not to mention, I can sit in it without a net!

    Although I bought it before the 11' and now 12' hammocks really became available, at 5'7.5" I have no desire for a larger hammock for camping ( I have a Mayan For full-time sleeping). This Freebird is super comfortable, and as a minimalist, I really don't like taking up so much real estate. As a soloist who wanders into the deep bush, I also like to be able to fit into smaller spaces; this also gives me more choice in trees than if I had a larger hammock.

    I put a lot of thought into it....

    So in recommending a hammock, I could easily recommend DH Freebird or Raven, but would ask more about how firm they like their bed, where are they going to hang etc., before recommending the fabric and length.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singingcrowsings View Post
    ( I have a Mayan For full-time sleeping). .
    My favorite indoor sleeper is a cotton traditional hammock I got in Bolivia. I'm not sure if it was made locally or in Peru or Brazil, but they are 13' long, with cotton clews on each end of the bed, which is about 9 feet long. The cotton gives in every direction, so I've never had a problem with any kind of ridges, it's cool in summer and warmer in winter than the parachute nylon. I just use a regular homemade quilt to wrap in during colder weather (I keep the house pretty cool). Nothing better. When it's an option (no rain), I always let people enjoy the ride in one of those. They're what first got me into hammock camping.

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