OK, I googled this and read multiple threads last night and I have hit a wall!! I think this is some kind of dumb user error that I am not seeing and it just BUUUUUUUUGED me last night!

I spent most of the evening last night constructing my 2nd ever hammock build - a standard 11 foot netless using RSBTR robic XL 1.7 hybrid...put in 2 button holes on each four corners for knotty mod...I went ahead and did a sewn channel for continuous loop for suspension, although I may convert that to whipped end (cannot decide how I want to do it, there appear to be several ways per my reading)....but anyway...I made continuous loop, and before splicing, I wrapped each cinch buckle (the cheaper non-titanium ones from dutch) totally filling the length....then spliced....then installed in the channel....

No matter how I do it after that it seems I cannot keep the buckles perfectly straight and as I get into the hammock, they begin to twist and....FAIL...first time I was careful and the failure was in a fairly controlled fashion and I was over carpet.

I do know people often may use a half hitch, but I want to sideline that...as frankly, If the darn half hitch is what will hold it, then I will just go with a darned beckett hitch. This hammock is gonna be a gift to my brother and he is not a "hammock nerd" at all, so I want it to work primarily as is...

My straps were the basic 1 inch straps ordered in like 25 foot increments, I then sewed the loops on the end....the material is kinda stretchy, and it seems some threads in the past pointed to this as the issue.....I don't know.

I have tried threading the cinch buckle from both above and below but the result seems the same.

I noticed that I can make sure it all seems lined up before sitting in it, but once beginning to sit, I think what is happening in part is the perimeter fabric has more force a first, and this causes the system to twist...I set it all up once and sat on the hammock bunched all narrow straddling it do as to make the force even and there was no failure...

So either I am doing something just plain dumb, or I have it set up just subtly incorrect, or perhaps the straps are not appropriate for the cinch buckles...

I know it is a small thing, but I was so proud to be done, stitches look great and all, and then I was so darned frustrated to not LAY IN THE END PRODUCT hahahahaha.

My buddy has the dutch cinch buckles as I recall...I laid in his hammock at a park one day and it worked flawless....and he has had no issues with his and he is a much heavier dude than I (I am 153 lbs 6 feet).

Any help appreciated!

Ill post photos and videos later this afternoon when I get home from work.