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  1. #1
    Senior Member Foxpoop's Avatar
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    Trip Report 7th Annual John Rock Hang- July 20-24 2016

    Thanks to everyone for another great year in the hanging in the Enchanted Forest. Special thanks to Tacoma for co-hosting and Intimidator for helping me out so much. As always, a huge thanks to Fire in My Bones for supplying his chili.

    There were many of the regulars and some new folks, as well. Carolinas Backpacker even made an appearance on Sunday morning in the parking lot, which still counts as his first official hang since his accident.

    As always, there was plenty of rain, great food, excellent hiking, fun around the campfire and plenty of hammock and hammock related discussions and demos. Oh, and how could I forget...runners and more runners. I think Pappy Amos will add some video to the thread for everyone's enjoyment.

    We had unexpected visitors Friday night (actually it was almost 1 a.m., so that makes it Saturday morning) when a boy scout troup hiked in and set up next to our campfire. It wasn't the optimal scenario, but we were able to help them out some the next day, as some had hammocks and we had the hammock expertise. Some of the scout leaders were interested in hammocks, so we got their email and will pass on some resources.

    I did not get many pictures, so I will leave it here for others to add to the report.

    Hope to see everyone at the Rock next year!

  2. #2
    Senior Member TrailSlug's Avatar
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    So did the scouts keep you up all night Thanks for the report. Glad you guys had a good time and imparted your hammock wisdom on some new potentials.

  3. #3
    Senior Member peeeeetey's Avatar
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    Thanks to all for the hospitality . Debbie and I had a great experience for first time hangers. We really enjoyed the company. We are ready to do it again. Once again thanks to all for making us feel so welcome. See ya in the fall.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Foxpoop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrailSlug View Post
    So did the scouts keep you up all night Thanks for the report. Glad you guys had a good time and imparted your hammock wisdom on some new potentials.
    The scouts were 11 year old boys, so it was rather loud. They settled down by around 2 am. It was frustrating at the time, but not the end of the world.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Foxpoop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peeeeetey View Post
    Thanks to all for the hospitality . Debbie and I had a great experience for first time hangers. We really enjoyed the company. We are ready to do it again. Once again thanks to all for making us feel so welcome. See ya in the fall.
    Nice to meet you guys. Glad you got to hang last night. Watch out for more upcoming hangs. Hike to see you again.

  6. #6
    Senior Member TrailSlug's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxpoop View Post
    The scouts were 11 year old boys, so it was rather loud. They settled down by around 2 am. It was frustrating at the time, but not the end of the world.
    Yea, I can totally understand. It's a small obstacle but it sounds like you guys had a really good time anyway.

  7. #7
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    I know some of you had Hi/Lo thermometers. For anyone interested, I had my data logger running at 10-minute sample intervals.
    The results are as follows:

    Friday Hi: 74.4
    Saturday Low:63.5
    Saturday Hi:83.0
    Sunday Low:63.2

  8. #8
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    Thanks to Foxpoop and family plus Tacoma for hosting the event.
    I had a good time and enjoyed seeing old friends and making new.

    Hopefully, I'll have an interesting thumbprint to remind me of the hang once this crazy cut heals over.

  9. #9
    Senior Member DelayedNeutron's Avatar
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    This was my first hang. I was very thankful for the group's very friendly attitude and hospitality shown to a "new guy."

    Due to work obligations on Friday, I wasn't able to get out of Columbia until after lunch. Drove straight to the hatchery and headed up the trail as thunder rolled up on the ridge, and ran threatened on all sides. Got to the site in a bit under 30 minutes, and was quickly introduced to everyone--sorry I don't recall everyone I met. I set up quickly and settled in at the fire.

    Luckily the rain held off, and the socializing, dinner cooking, and cold beverages went uninterrupted by weather. It was a very enjoyable evening meeting new folks.

    Had a great night in the hammock, read for about an hour, and luckily slept uninterrupted through both the maligned snoring and our late arriving guests.

    The only real issue I had with the scout troop was one of the packs was cooking with a Whisperlite right behind my campfire post, and had apparently done a thorough job of overpriming their stove. Despite multiple warnings from one of the scouts, one of their group touched off a lighter and the ensuing fireball, threatening to remove both skin and hair from my 6, got my dander up a bit. I'm not certain I was even done with my coffee before that unnecessary excitement.

    I had to head back home on Saturday, so I packed out early to fit in a bit of fishing before leaving the hills. I was sad to have missed the hiking expeditions and hotdog supper on Saturday.

    The hike out was uneventful, and I drove over Gloucester Gap to the Courthouse drainage, and fished roadside for a while. Very little luck there, and I'm amazed that there were no bugs at the campsite, as the biting flies around Courthouse were maddening. But it was a few hours on the water--even if it was low and gin clear.

    As I was looking for an exit back up the bank to the road, a SUV came tearing down the road mildly out of control. Eye roll. I took my time packing up, and as I was driving out the reason for the excitement became clear, as a Balsam Grove fire truck came tearing up the creek with lights and siren, followed by the same SUV with two shirtless guys who had apparently been recently swimming. As I turned back onto 215, two more volunteer trucks with lights turned onto the FS road, and I met both an ambulance and a rescue truck pulling a trailer with OHV with a backboard mounted coming through the gorge to 64--both running code. Thoughts are with whoever that response was heading out to help, the friends and families, as well as the rescuers. If it was related to the waterfall, it's been a dangerous weekend for them--be careful out there!

    Thanks again to the organizers, and to those who were kind enough to let me hang in the woods with them, even if just for one night. I look forward to future events, and being able to stay longer.

    Did get a couple photos:

    "All alone in the night, I had my own thoughts..." ~Kerouac, On the Road

    "Help me mamma, for I have grinned..."

  10. #10
    Tacoma96's Avatar
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    Left the Raleigh, NC area right after work around 3:30PM on Wednesday proceeding to Bermunda Run, NC were I was going to spend the night in a hotel before heading to John Rock. Upon leaving the hotel on Thursday morning a State Trooper pulled up to me while I was emptying the water out of my coolers, he approached me and asked what kind of coolers I had (I was not in no mood for conversation) and I told him. He informed me the best place to get gas and ice in town, he was very friendly then went inside the hotel to get free breakfast.

    Headed down to Hickory NC (about an hour drive from Bermuda Run) to pick up DimJim who needed a ride. 107 miles later we arrived at the fish hatchery where we met up with Pappy Amos who helped us haul some firewood up to the site. I brought about 75 pounds of firewood so I made about three trips back to the car during the weekend to bring firewood to the site and did get assistance from Foxpoop also. (Thanks).

    Arrived at the campsite and met up with a few of the hangers that were already there (Intimidator, Loki, and a lady with Loki I cannot remember her name, sorry). Set up camp and during the weekend made about 7 seven trips down to the parking lot (don’t know how many miles it was but I am sore). Later Foxpoop came back from a hike which he seemed to be doing all weekend. I am sure he racked up some hiking miles.

    Friday afternoon I decided to head up towards John Rock to see if I could get cellphone reception like the Verizon could but had no luck (AT+T did not come through for me). Has the weekend went by more and more people came up to the campsite and I think we had a total of around 19.
    Saturday PappyAmos, DimJim, and myself went down to the grocery store to purchase items for the hotdog dinner then had a cheat meal at Taco Bell. TPyro and Foxpoop did bring some more firewood to the hang from TPyros place since we were running short of hardwood. FIMB (Brother Bones) made it up to the hang right before the hotdog dinner with his great tasting chili. We all had a great time around the campfire and enjoyed the conversations with all.

    Woke up Sunday morning when it was still dark out and started packing. Brought my gear down to the car then came back to the campsite to help clean up and bring trash down. I think everyone was off the site by 9:30AM (except Foxpoop and Intimidator). On the drive home dropped DimJim off at Hickory then headed to Raleigh where I arrived at 3:30PM. Temperature was 62 when I woke up at John Rock and was 107 (heat index) when I arrived home.

    I would like to thank all who attended because you all make the hang. Special thanks to DimJim and PappyAmos for your help during the weekend. Thanks to TPyro for the firewood. Thanks FIMB for the Chili. Thanks to Panthom Grappler for the shrimp which I roasted. Thanks to Detail man I just ordered a BV500. And a very special thanks to Foxpoop and Intimidator (who carried the cooler. LOL) for making this hang happen. Can’t wait until next year.
    Straight out of Clayton.

    Most physical hike: Grandfather Mountain, NC. Aug 13.

    I don't need to make my pack lighter. I need to make my (_*_) lighter.

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