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  1. #21
    slowhike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shug View Post
    Looks like the Soggy Bottom Lounge)))))))))
    Big Blue rides again.
    I hope someone got a picture of us around the table at 'Hickery's Fine Dinning"
    It was a small, quaint place, off to the side, with room for only a few at a time.

    We talked about ya a little bit. You're shirt was the first thing to fly off the raffle table
    Wish you could join us sometime.

    Nice pictures Tacoma. I especially liked the one of Hickery dancing!
    I didn't take many but I'll have a few... if I can figure how to get them out of this new phone.
    Last edited by slowhike; 09-28-2015 at 09:51. Reason: added to
    I too will something make and joy in it's making

  2. #22
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    OK... we had a really good time, even though it rained (or at least misted) the whole time. Mostly rain.
    Why? Because of the people!!!
    I'm just sorry for the various difficulties that some had & the limitations that the rain put on all of us.

    I think we ended up with about 43 in our group.
    The food was wonderful. I really, really appreciate those who enjoy cooking & sharing with others!

    A big thanks to my co-coordinateres & advisers... RockDawg, Home Run, L.D. Cakes, & Hickery.
    Hickery even brought a back-up load of firewood.
    Also to Ranger Marcia & her staff. She has become a wonderful friend over the last several years & looks out for us. She is responsible for having a load of fire wood delivered to our campsite as well.

    A big Thank You to the fine vendors & individuals that made donations to the raffle!
    Hopefully Debbie can list the donating vendors when she has time.
    When the raffle was over, another $25 was donated to the pot, bringing us to a grand total of $590.

    The main event this weekend was the Grayson County Fall Festival.
    This is a tradition going on for about 50 years now & is a very important fundraiser for the Rugby Fire & Rescue, which sponsors the festival.
    They took a huge loss this year because of the rain & a fraction of the crowds that normally show up.
    So a few of us discussed it among ourselves & then with Ranger Marcia & this year instead of donating to GHSP we choose to donate to the Rugby Fire & Rescue.
    We took care of two group needs from the raffle proceeds...
    $60 for a load of firewood & $50 towards the new 20' X 30' group tarp.
    The remaining $480 went to Rugby Fire & Rescue.

    We were going to send them a check but Ranger Marcia took me right to the assistant chief & assured me the money would be in good hands.

    I hope all will return next year, along with others. It's not uncommon to have some rain but this was the most consistent rain we have had for this event.
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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by slowhike View Post

    The main event this weekend was the Grayson County Fall Festival.
    This is a tradition going on for about 50 years now & is a very important fundraiser for the Rugby Fire & Rescue, which sponsors the festival.
    They took a huge loss this year because of the rain & a fraction of the crowds that normally show up.
    So a few of us discussed it among ourselves & then with Ranger Marcia & this year instead of donating to GHSP we choose to donate to the Rugby Fire & Rescue.

    The remaining $480 went to Rugby Fire & Rescue.

    We were going to send them a check but Ranger Marcia took me right to the assistant chief & assured me the money would be in good hands.

    I hope all will return next year, along with others. It's not uncommon to have some rain but this was the most consistent rain we have had for this event.

    Glad we could think on our feet and help out the local Fire and Rescue department. It is vital to keep them funded especially when we are the ones venturing out into tough terrain that could potentially mean a lot of work for them should we require their services. Hopefully we can contribute to the park via another hang and with any luck next fall will bring less rain and more folks out for the festival.

  4. #24
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    Minnie-Soda and Spotty dog enjoyed the hang and meeting every one. Ok, Spotty dog enjoyed barking at everyone and trying to jump on every dog he met! I am really hoping he will earn to be a good camping buddy as he grows older! LOL
    It was really good seeing old frineds again and, as usual at these events, I loved the chance to meet new folks. Until next time people....At merchants Millpond for us!
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  5. #25
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    First post here...

    I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who organized and made this hang happen. We had a great time and REALLY appreciate how welcoming you guys are to newcomers like Hipbone and me.

    Also a special thanks is in order to Timberlake who loaned us some UQs so we could finally understand that a full length UQ is like sleeping in my bed. However I guess this means my equipment buying is not done (is it ever??? HA!). I enjoyed all of the great conversation about gear and stuff and for once I didn't feel like the only 'gear-geek' in the crowd.

    It's pretty cool that you guys decided to give the money to the Rugby Fire-Rescue too. After the low turnout to the festival, it's good to know that even what we pulled together could help offset the losses they must have had due to the weather.

    A good time was had by all!!

    Thanks again guys and we hope to see you in the fu-chaah!!

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MtnGoat View Post
    First post here...

    I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who organized and made this hang happen. We had a great time and REALLY appreciate how welcoming you guys are to newcomers like Hipbone and me.

    Also a special thanks is in order to Timberlake who loaned us some UQs so we could finally understand that a full length UQ is like sleeping in my bed. However I guess this means my equipment buying is not done (is it ever??? HA!). I enjoyed all of the great conversation about gear and stuff and for once I didn't feel like the only 'gear-geek' in the crowd.

    It's pretty cool that you guys decided to give the money to the Rugby Fire-Rescue too. After the low turnout to the festival, it's good to know that even what we pulled together could help offset the losses they must have had due to the weather.

    A good time was had by all!!

    Thanks again guys and we hope to see you in the fu-chaah!!
    Good to meet you guys too! Hope to see y'all again.
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  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by slowhike View Post
    The remaining $480 went to Rugby Fire & Rescue.
    That is outstanding. I was manning the cooking area when this happened. I think you informed me that the Rugby Fire and Rescue had to retrieve a hiker off the AT this last weekend.
    Straight out of Clayton.

    Most physical hike: Grandfather Mountain, NC. Aug 13.

    I don't need to make my pack lighter. I need to make my (_*_) lighter.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by slowhike View Post
    So everyone left the group site today (Sun). The only ones from our group still there are 2Q & ZQ.
    At least they have a pop-up camper to hang out in. Hope they get a break in the rain.
    Donna here...
    We were out of there by 3:30pm Sunday. Everything outside the pop up was saturated. Even the pop up had started leaking water spots on the four side corners. That is the first time it has leaked...and the first time it has taken such a saturation. We headed south...weren't supposed to leave Grayson until Wednesday morning. We are just over the border into S.C. (visiting some of my family) and it misted rain on and off today...with more rain/thunder storms coming...but at least we aren't living in a cloud like we were in the higher elevation of Grayson Highlands! And...we are wearing shorts and tee shirts!
    Even with all that...we had a great time! Tim had the chance to talk with some old friends and meet some new ones. After all...isn't that what it is all about!
    2QZQ Hammock Specialties
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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tacoma96 View Post
    That is outstanding. I was manning the cooking area when this happened. I think you informed me that the Rugby Fire and Rescue had to retrieve a hiker off the AT this last weekend.
    And that was some fine pork & sauce you had there!
    Yes, the Rugby Rescue & Volunteer Fire Dept was called to help the Troutdale Rescue bring a woman off the AT north of us.
    Turns out she had on going back problems but her back began to spasm & she was unable to walk. So they did have to carry her out on a back board.

    I have first hand experience concerning a team carrying someone down a trail on a backboard.
    Once it was me being carried.
    A few years latter a friend & I joined a team carrying out a girl with a broken ankle.
    It's exhausting work, especially on a narrow trail.
    A large team is needed because they constantly have to keep switching out.

    I'm very appreciative of the work they volunteer to do.
    I too will something make and joy in it's making

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Questions View Post
    Donna here...
    We were out of there by 3:30pm Sunday. Everything outside the pop up was saturated. Even the pop up had started leaking water spots on the four side corners. That is the first time it has leaked...and the first time it has taken such a saturation. We headed south...weren't supposed to leave Grayson until Wednesday morning. We are just over the border into S.C. (visiting some of my family) and it misted rain on and off today...with more rain/thunder storms coming...but at least we aren't living in a cloud like we were in the higher elevation of Grayson Highlands! And...we are wearing shorts and tee shirts!
    Even with all that...we had a great time! Tim had the chance to talk with some old friends and meet some new ones. After all...isn't that what it is all about!
    Yeah, it was not getting any dryer.
    I'm sorry that it turned out to be such a rain event but the rain was greatly needed.
    Even so, it sure was good to see the two of you & all the others.
    I too will something make and joy in it's making

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