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  1. #1
    Member Other Guy's Avatar
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    Foothills Trail - Table Rock to Oconee

    FHT 2016

    FHT Day 0
    Muskrat and I arrive at Table Rock State Park just after 2pm which is the check in time for campsites. There is a light rain as we set up tarps at our site which is just next to the bathrooms.

    Swampfox and Halfhitch arrive around 5 with barbecue. We talk and joke and have a good time. We set out plans for the trip and exchange money for fees and food and whatnot.

    At around 7 Halfhitch, Swampfox, and I leave to stage vehicles for food pickups, it takes much longer than expected and rains pretty hard. We make it back to camp around 9pm. Everyone is tired. We head to sleep about 10.

    FHT Day 1

    It rained lightly off and on all night. Everything is wet in the morning. Low was 56. Thankfully we put most everything up last night. By 5:30 I start waking up. By 6 I am fully awake laying in the hammock writing in this journal. I hear farts from the other hammocks so others must be awake as well.

    It's been a hard day. Everyone is very tired. Halfhitch is talking about dropping out tomorrow. His truck is only a couple miles from where we are camping. Which is the Cantrell Homestead Campsite.

    We hike from Table Rock to Cantrell at about 8.6 miles. It doesn't sound like much but it's mostly all uphill. It's 9:00 and everyone is hammocked up and sleeping or getting ready to.

    FHT day 2

    It got down to 45 last night. Much colder than expected but it was great sleeping weather. I slept great last night. Woke up every couple hours to turn over. Only peed once. Feeling good this morning and ready to go. It's 8:30 and we are still in camp. I am anxious to get started while its still cool.

    We are heading Virginia Hawkins Falls today. Should be around 11 miles.

    We were ran into Heyward Douglass at the top of Sassafras Mountain while eating breakfast today he is the executive director of the Foothills Trail Conference.

    We didn't get started down Sassafras till about 1045 right now it's 325. I'm thinking we'll get to the Virginia hawkins falls by about five.

    We're at Virginia Hawkins Falls it is 6 o'clock I just took a bath in the creek and it was freaking awesome.

    The campsite at Virginia Hawkins Falls is nice and big. There is cut firewood and plenty of kindling and tender. We made a small fire and ate. It's 8:30 now and everyone is finishing camp chores for the evening and getting ready to sleep.

    I am trying the hammock without a tarp tonight.

    FHT Day 3

    I had a great nights sleep last night. The low got down to 54°. I fell asleep watching the stars, fireflies where out, put me right to sleep. Should have gotten a picture of this as it is not something I want to forget.

    Made it to the top of the mountain from the Toxaway falls and I feel great. Just spooked a couple deer cresting the top. It was a nice site.

    Lots of double track today. double track, quadruple track, fireroads. Trails are wide open and easy compared to last two days.

    We made it to Rock Creek fairly tired. Putting my feet in the water felt great. After 3 days the pads of my feet are sensitive and the rest feels great. I have a new found appreciation for creeks and the cool water.

    After lunch we head on to Toxaway Creek Campgrounds. Heartbreak Ridge is a killer but over quickly. Would love to have a video of that section.

    We find an excellent hammocking campsite next to the suspension bridge and remembered to take plenty of pictures. We made it to camp by 4:00 the earliest so far. It's been a good day.

    FHT Day 4

    Last night was warm with a low of 57. Feels great this morning. We are all tired and sore. But spirits are high. Today we are heading to Hilliard Falls. Should be about 11.4 miles.

    The hike up the mountain from Toxaway To Jocassee is brutally delicious.

    Upon arrival at Horsepasture Creek we came across a couple guys fishing. One was from Brevard the other from Maine . They gave us a couple ice cold beers. What a great surprise that was. Trail Magic.

    We got to camp at 5:45. Just after we are all set, have taken pictures of the falls and are getting ready to eat it starts pouring down rain, this is the first time I have been rained on while backpacking. So it was a good way to get broken in. We sat under our tarps in silence, everyone is laying down preparing to sleep by 8:30.

    FHT Day 5

    The low was 59, the warmest night yet. We had breakfast on a rock watching the Hilliard waterfall. We make good time to our lunch spot.

    After lunch I split from the group to hike an extra section of trail. While the others are taking 281 to bypass all the switchbacks.

    We join back up at camp close to Round Mountain at the same time. It's humid and tired and sleeping early.

    FHT Day 6

    Low of 56 last night, it rained around 2:30. Easy hike today we went about 10.5 miles from the designated campsite at Round Mountain to Burrells Ford.

    We stopped for lunch at Fish Hatchery road for a quick bite. Then made good time on to the campsite.

    Swampfox truck was staged at the parking lot and we had steak with mushrooms and onions over obrian hash browns along with a nice beer. Halfhitch drove in and joined us for supper. He brought some ice cold coke. What a great night. We also had our spare clothes in the truck. It was nice to clean up in the river and change in to fresh clothes.

    FHT Day 7

    Low was 53 and I slept without a tarp. Great sleeping was had. We woke around 6:30 and broke camp around 9:00.

    The hike today was easy and quick. The terrain much more gentle up and down than previous days. We made it to Lick Log falls campsite around 2 after a brief lunch on the way. The Chatooga river is truly amazing. Another trip centered on fishing may be in order. Thinking about Tenkara rods.

    We had a great fire last night. Great conversation reminiscing on the adventure.

    FHT Day 8

    Low of 57, hammock hang was not good. But still Slept soundly until about midnight. Woke to discover Muskrat had moved his hammock in the middle of the night because of a frog attack. It was startling to say the least to wake for a little bladder relief to see a new hammock in camp.

    We were up and out of camp by 8 and in Oconee Park before 12. The 9 mile hike was easy peasy as expected.

    After a refreshing ice slushy and ice cream bar Jim arrived with Levi to pick us up. As we headed to the car I noticed a Shug shirt walking toward us and it actually was Shug and Hickory of Hammockforums and YouTube fame! What a treat that was! A more perfect ending to an already exceptional hike could not be had.
    Last edited by Other Guy; 05-08-2016 at 06:04.

  2. #2
    swampfox's Avatar
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    That was a great video, Lemur.
    It makes me want to do it again!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  3. #3
    Member Shotgunpapa's Avatar
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    Wow sounds like a lot of fun great report of your activity's, it would be hard not to have done some kind of fishing, because I love to fish and eat fish. thanks for the report. do you have any pictures.

  4. #4
    Senior Member georgecarr's Avatar
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    Love your family's reaction at the end!

  5. #5
    Member Other Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swampfox View Post
    That was a great video, Lemur.
    It makes me want to do it again!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Thanks Swampfox, me too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shotgunpapa View Post
    Wow sounds like a lot of fun great report of your activity's, it would be hard not to have done some kind of fishing, because I love to fish and eat fish. thanks for the report. do you have any pictures.
    Shotgunpapa, the pictures are in the video. It is really just a bunch of pictures rather than a video. I think a fishing/hiking trip is in order for the Chatooga river.

    Quote Originally Posted by georgecarr View Post
    Love your family's reaction at the end!
    Thanks georgecarr, Muskrat recommended video taping the reaction and I am glad he did.

  6. #6
    Senior Member sidneyhornblower's Avatar
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    Man, what beautiful scenery. Excellent video, especially the music. And yes, priceless reactions from your girls. This video made me smile and feel envious at the same time.

    Edited to add: I think I've enjoyed that same pub Ale I saw in one shot.
    "...the height of hammock snobbery!"

  7. #7
    Senior Member Muskrat's Avatar
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    Nicely done Lemur!

    However, don't knock the Toe Jam Stew until you have had it!

    Thanks goes out to the two fishermen for the Red Stripes! It was a warm day and that sure did hit the spot. Just glad they only had 2 left to share. That could have been some rough walking... But I would have struggled to turn down another one.

    I'm liking the early fall for the next one.
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  8. #8
    Member Other Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidneyhornblower View Post
    Man, what beautiful scenery. Excellent video, especially the music. And yes, priceless reactions from your girls. This video made me smile and feel envious at the same time.

    Edited to add: I think I've enjoyed that same pub Ale I saw in one shot.
    Thanks sidneyhornblower it is a beautiful trail.

    Quote Originally Posted by Muskrat View Post
    Nicely done Lemur!

    However, don't knock the Toe Jam Stew until you have had it!

    Thanks goes out to the two fishermen for the Red Stripes! It was a warm day and that sure did hit the spot. Just glad they only had 2 left to share. That could have been some rough walking... But I would have struggled to turn down another one.

    I'm liking the early fall for the next one.
    Don't know about that stew Muskrat! But fall sounds nice!

  9. #9
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    Loved the video, also love that part of the mountains. Meeting Shug and hickory on the trail had to be a big bonus. Meeting them is on my bucket list for sure . Thanks

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by rambotogo View Post
    Loved the video, also love that part of the mountains. Meeting Shug and hickory on the trail had to be a big bonus. Meeting them is on my bucket list for sure . Thanks
    rambotogo you are right about meeting Shug and Hickory. One of the guys that picked us up had not heard of them and when I asked to have a picture with them he said something along the lines of "What are you famous or something?" to which everyone around busted up laughing. It was a great experience.

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