Interesting find Demostix, I can see how having the tarp and hammock separate might stop a bit of the bouncing around for anyone who hasn't pitched their tarp tight enough but I havent had that problem personally and I have been in a few of nights of angry wind now... It would mean including a separate ridgeline to hang the netting off though and then prussicks or someting similar which is more messing around than I find necessary, I'm trying to keep my rig as simple as possible and I'm happy with it at the moment.

Well, except for the size of the 'XL' tarp that I originally recieved with my clark which is why I'm using a heavy 3mx3m tarp instead (1.05kg worth!) and I hang it off the tree straps before I hang the hammock off the same straps then run lines from the end of the tarp ridgeline back down to hang the netting

A good taut pitch of the tarp would be my first concern anyway, the flapping around that was mentioned in the email is the primary cause for most failures in tarps, tents etc. as the 'whipping motion' causes a lot more stress on the fabric than the same wind hitting a nice taut & stable surface... It would minimise any bouncing around too, I can picture the guy tied underneath a loosely rigged tarp and doing a good impression of a tea bag!