I'm currently using a 40 degree yeti under my hammock for spring weather, and I'd like to substitute a CCF pad for it during my AT thruhike this summer as the pad is more versatile, and easier to use in really rainy/misty conditions. The specific situation will likely be:

1. Good positioning of hammock set up, minimizing wind effects
2. 12 foot HG tarp with door option for windy/rainy nights
3. Minimum night time temps in NY-Maine likely over 40, with option to sleep in shelter for abnormally cold nights.
4. 40 degree synthetic TQ

I've got a Nemo switchback torso length CCF pad at home that has a R value of something like 2.0. Do people think this will work? I also have a short 1/8 inch EVA foam piece I can use under legs or trunk if needed .