Hi everyone.

I’ve been using the j-bend instead of the becket hitch, and I’ve also fallen deep into the Meyers tech & autumn ultralight rabbit hole of interesting no-knot no-hardware suspension and other gadgets.

I’ve played with their soft shackles, evoloops, mini evoloops, and so on.

But something kept sneaking up in the back of my mind, why hasn’t anyone modified the evoloop in order to be both a suspension loop and also a no-hardware strap connector?

So I made and am currently testing this: essentially it’s an amsteel loop, with an Ashley stopper knot at the end, and an overhand knot part way through.


Once it’s on my hammock, I make the beginning of a MSH in my webbing, pass the ASK and the OK through the webbing where the toggle would go, and soft link it back onto itself.




What do you all think? Am I crazy, or am I on to something here? This *seems* secure enough, but is it? Does anyone have any tips to modify this to make it more secure?