Starting the hunt for my first top quilt (feel like there are more options for this than anything else!) and had a couple of questions coming from a sleeping bag.

1. Does anyone use a sleeping bag liner or something similar with a top quilt? I learned pretty quick that when I use a sleeping bag I tend to really sweaty and start sticking to the material leading to an uncomfortable night sleep (regardless of temperature). Then I found my sleeping bag liner which totally solved the problem. I thought a top quilt might breath a bit better but overall it is basically sleeping bag material over much the same section of your body so might run into the same issue.

2. I am a side sleeper and roll over a lot throughout the night side to side. Got used to needed wiggling in a sleeping bag in my hammock but thought a top quilt with the open bottom might not be so kind to the total rotation of my body. That a problem for anyone? Or does the top quilt stay with you pretty good when to roll over while mostly asleep?