+1 for the soft shackle or evo loop. Started using both late fall and have been very happy with them.
That darn button knot got me though. Animated knots, tacblades and myers videos, I just couldn't follow. And if its not tied correctly, it will capsize fairly easily...
This is where I actually got the hang of it.
Few notes on this. Using 2 different colors of line helps to follow. Tape the 2 together. When the knot is being tightened, do not pull up on the knot. you want to push it down and feed the line excess line as your tightening it to the tails. And make sure the knot is tight! A loose knot can wiggle loose or capsize on you. It should make a satisfying thud when hit on something, as someone has mentioned in one of the reviews.

This page also has how to's to make other shackles too.