Just bought a new Superfly, and a couple of Tarp Flyz on 12' of Zing It with a loop on the end. I hooked the flyz on the Superfly rings, ran the Zing It around the trees and back through the end loop then hooked it on to the flyz. Works fine other than I would like to rig it so my zing it lines are attached to my Superfly when pulling it out of the snakeskins. That way I could hook one end of the Superfly's line to a tree without setting the other end down to fish out and hook up the line.

I was thinking of putting the zing it loop around the Superfly loop, then running the zing it through the two holes on the flyz with a knot on on the end to keep them from slipping off.

Any input is appreciated. I am very knot impaired (thus the Dutch Bling). I don't want to do knots every time I hook up.