Howdy y'all! I'm going to have a 4-day weekend over New Years (Thursday-Sunday) and I'm looking for suggestions for a backpacking trip to take. I live in Tallahassee, and am looking for somewhere within a reasonable driving distance (what reasonable means is yet to be determined). I did the St. Mark's Wildlife Refuge last year over New Years with LifeScout, but a big chunk of the trail was closed due to flooding and I think that's still the case. Plus I'd like somewhere with a little more interesting terrain.

That 4 days will be all I have for both driving and hiking, so take that into account when making suggestions (e.g. don't recommend a hike that takes 4 days and half a day of travel time each way, as that won't work). I can do around 12-15 miles per day unless the terrain is REALLY rough.