Over the past week, an upcoming camping trip turned into a research fest as I would be dealing with near freezing temps. This forum was a tremendous help in collecting the right kind of gear that would get me thorough the weekend.

Since I would be staying at a campground, keeping "it light" was not an issue. I've had my WBBB and Superfly (no doors) for a couple of years now and have only camped in warmer weather...at heavily populated campgrounds.

The equipment I selected was "spot on". Once I got everything in place I climbed in and was quite "toasty". I was smiling as all the research really paid off. I closed my eyes..and within seconds was sound asleep. Until, I heard some coyotes nearby. I thought no big deal, I have heard them before and they always seemed to keep their distance to the campgrounds.

I was about the doze off again when I head 3 distinct howls followed by one of the eeriest sounds I have ever heard. It appeared the pack had found their prey and all attacked at once. The blood curdling sound lasted for 10-15 seconds followed by utter calm. Now the "what if's" began to run rampant through my mind.

I finally rationalized that there were other campers around me, the pack had found their meal for the evening, I had no food or garbage around my campsite and I had defensive weaponry inside the hammock with me. All would be well.

Then...I heard the same eerie scenario again...the 3 howls followed by the pack attacking their prey.

Let me just say, the front seat of a Ford Pickup can also be a toasty place to rest for the night. Not as comfortable as my WBBB, but better than being some Coyote's "Camper Jerky" snack.

But thanks to this forum and especially Shug's videos, I did learn how to stay warm even if it was in the front seat of the truck.

Shhhh...what was that?????