So I have finally finished some of my video tutorials on how I make my hammocks and other hammock accessories. I still have alot more to go and will continue to add to the newly formed library of guides as funds and time between classes permit. I am not 100% happy with my tutorials, as I feel they could be more detailed and easier to follow and I plan to produce newer better tutorials in the future that can walk someone through it who is just a beginner in the DIY hobby. I will try and give as much credit for the ideas shared in my tutorials as possible but some ideas were learned quite a while ago and I have since forgotten who I learned them from. So please forgive me if I fail to give credit to anyone in my tutorials.

These three videos linked here are some of the ones I have added to a website I put together recently and it's still in its infancy stage. I wanted a place that I could easily find and provide great links and videos for everybody to have access to without having to dig through endless pages of threads to find the guide they are looking for; and also to share all the knowledge I have learned from DIYing my gear. I will constantly be updating the site and adding new great tutorials that members here have shared as well as any new video guides that I make. I hope to encourage more people to give DIY a try and experiment with new ideas they come up with and share them with everyone. The more people brainstorming, the more we progress forward in the development of better gear for our outdoor adventures. I hope these videos help out some of those who might be unsure about taking on DIY projects. Please forgive my narration during the videos. If it sounds like I am reading from a script, its because I
I tend to babble alot in videos so to stop myself I had to stick to a pre-written script. The future videos will hopefully be better and more simple than these. lol

Please feel free to ask any questions here in the thread about the videos rather than posting comments on youtube, as I may not notice the youtube comments and take alot longer to respond vs comments posted in this thread.
Also, it may be better to watch the videos from the Youtube page vs here because part of the picture may not be displayed when imbedded.

I wish you the best of luck on your DIY projects and look forward to seeing the finished results.