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  1. #1

    tree climber from kentucky

    Greetings tree hangers

    I'm 44 just saturday, a forester and a retired tree climber. Yes, the kind that uses ropes and a harness and other gear that you see in your neighborhood trees running chainsaws and generally improving your urban forest.
    Cheers to your forum, I browsed a bit, hit some links and i'm very optimistic about the direction I'm taking.
    I'm almost exclusively a kayaker fisherman now. Short targeted runs on know holes and ponds. I'm 5'9" and have a 38# malibu mini x.
    But once a year I go on a 29 mile trip with friends in canoes down the big south fork of the cumberland river. Huge watershed. And wild. No way to hike out, but relatively calm grade. class 2 mostly, but opportunities for other things depending on the cfs at put in and what happens before take out.
    So this year the water was at a level that the locals came out and took all the level camping spots.
    Not much of a deal for me, i have the moss gear tepee that i bought 10 years ago used that i can hang from a tree or use the center pole that came with it. And i carry a hatchet and a japanese saw. Bombproof. But me boys have these expensive light tents with big footprints.
    So we had to settle for a semi flat semi wet area and could have been absolutely screwed by a big rain that eve.
    And the whole time I'm thinking i used to sleep in hammocks out in the woods back in the 90's way before it seems to have been cool. I got eaten up a couple of nights, sure, but some nights I was just fine.
    Which brings me to my reason for introducing myself. I just ordered a dd hammock this eve with bug screening. And next year when we take our 4 canoes down the river, i'm not getting out the moss tent. It's staying at home. And it ain't even here yet, I just know.

  2. #2
    SilvrSurfr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Jersey Shore, NJ
    Dutch PolyD
    HG Winter Palace
    HG 0, 20, 40
    Dutch Whoopie Hook
    Welcome from the Jersey Shore.

  3. #3
    thank you. did you get crushed by sandy?

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