Last night i gathered up the gear and headed out to the local state forest for a night with the stars. It had been a great afternoon of frigid winds and crisp temperatures.
I hung my gear by a lake,the view was wonderful.
at the moment of last light i saw a racoon walking the shore looking for muscles in the water.
I always use a mountain lion call to freak small animals, so they leave me alone.
The call worked the coon ran down the shore line then out of sight.
A minute or so later i heard from across the lake a sound that in all my life of being in the timber i have never heard before.
It was a short blast that sounded like an ape or similar.
The call had too much deep sounding power to be what a human could reproduce. I didnt know what to think so i just listened without a sound coming from me.
My dog started to point in the direction of the sound,up until this point i didnt know she was a dog that pointed.
About a minute later it called again when i say called i mean a short blast powerful like a train horn,and it sounded ape like again.
My dog came right to me and pushed herself right up against me tighter than ive ever noticed her doing before ,and stayed there.
The silence returned to the woods while my mind raced at the posibilities of what that was,and still is.
I settled back into what i do while camping with the curiosity of what i heard eating away at my mind,you know the routine. After what seemed to be a half hour or so later it bellowed again from a place much deeper into the forest.
I had it in my mind that someone across the lake was doing the same thing to me that i was doing to the coon,you know screwing with me for something to do. I never saw a light ,so what ever it was moved really well in the dark without it.
The next day curiosity got the better of me ,and i went off trailing in the direction of the calls. I could not find any sign of anyone being in that area,which is off the established trail.
I did manage to find one of the coolest hidden features ,a recessed area between two stone walls that almost looks like a meteor crater, but was formed from erosion a long time ago.
I still am struggling in my mind of what that could have been,I dont want to make a conclusion based on emotional experience,facts work better for me so i cant say,but the closest thing that i can say is it sounded like was a gorilla attack warning that i have heard on the discovery channel.
This has never happened to me before,and i spend alot of time in very remote places,so i dont want this to look like im a freaking u f o abductie or something.
Have any of you ever had this experience,and what was it?