Silverback7, I used a very scientific method to my madness. I sewed up the entire quilt minus the top hem. I then hung the underquilt with paper clips on a strap in my sun porch. I used one clip for each baffle and they were the black binder clips not the little wire ones. I then made a cut in my pillows big enough for my hand to fit through and grabbed on handful and then placed in the baffle, careful to release a little down at a time as I was removing my hand. I did this across the quilt until I had them equal. Now I know this is not the most accurate method but I didn't loose very much down ether. I have tried the vacuum cleaner tube before but did not have much luck. After filling the baffles I rolled the fabric over to seal and secured with the clips. Take great care while sewing up the last hem, don't "plop" your arm down on the quilt while trying to sew!!!