Greetings all!

Many of you here have noticed that our good friend Dutch has been sending out little gifts in the mail. I just got mine in the mail today. One small problem... I'm Jewish, so this gift is not quite for me. I was trying to think of the best way to spread the holiday spirit that Dutch intended. At first I was like, "hey! I'll just no claim PIF!" but then I decided that wasn't fully appropriate. Instead, I'm going to just raffle it off! No videos, no blogs, no pictures- nothing of that sort!

Simply post "I pledge allegiance to the Dutch" err... scratch that... just say "I'm in" and I'll pick a post at random and send it to the winner ASAP. You all have until Friday when I get home from work to enter... so let's say Friday at 11:00P.M. PACIFIC time.

The intent of this raffle is to spread the same holiday cheer our good friend Dutch had in mind. Let's keep up the giving spirit and have fun with it!

Happy holidays (all holidays ) everybody!

Happy Hangin'

EDIT* Let's also keep this to people who don't already have this gift please and thank you.