This was another super gathering. I had an great pre-hike with some fine folks whose spirits couldn't be dampened by mere rain. The weekend sunshine was appreciated all the more, too. Gathright SP absorbed our numbers quite well, but it's interesting to speculate on how these hangs will evolve as we outgrow the sites we've used in the past. For myself, pre-hikes are becoming more important parts of the hang, both for the exercise and the opportunity to hang with a smaller group before plunging into the mass event. I recall my feelings when I attended my first MAHHA and didn't know anybody. The newbies I met this weekend all seemed at ease with the experience, but I congratulate them on their pluck in jumping into such a lively group. Welcome once again!

Many thanks to Happy Camper and Oh-No for all their efforts, but they will be quick to point out that it was a case of many hands making light work.

If anyone is missing a lightweight stool, PM me a quick description to see if it matches the one that showed up in my vehicle after the pot luck. (Hint: fabric color, frame material, and location of Gorilla tape embellishments ought to do it. )

I have some video of pre-hikers discussing trekking poles at the Garvey Shelter that's mildly amusing. Will post later. Thanks, everybody. I had fun.