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  1. #11
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Great info, it is much appreciated. Thanks for the pet warning, we have 3 dogs and an angora rabbit (who will all be well away from any bug dope.)
    Can't wait for the trip!

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Stevicide View Post
    I'm going to third the vote for permethrin, but just want to throw this warning out there.... permethrin KILLS Cats....DEAD!!!!

    Ahhh...good thing to know. I am in Thailand and will be headed out to the jungles. Was somewhat worried about tigers before, but now will just treat clothes and hammock liberally with permethrin.

  3. #13
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    Tupelo, MS
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnSawyer View Post
    Permethrin, when WET is lethal to Cats. I've been using a permethrin based carpet spray through 3 generations of cats with no ill effects... my current cat is 13, and she's been "exposed" almost annually. She's perfectly healthy.

    Definitely avoid a situation where the cat will lick something that's treated. (like a dog)... as far as I know, my cat has no desire to eat carpet.

    Of course, I follow the directions to the letter, ensure the carpets are REALLY dry, and air-out the house for hours before I allow her inside...
    Notice also that link is info on Picaridin. You will probably need something for exposed skin, and Picaridin is a great alternative to DEET. It has always worked great for me in the 15-20% range, and I can even get tiny pump containers of it at WM in 20%, to keep the weight down while backpacking. Or large spray cans for car camping/back yard. I find it much more pleasant to use than most DEET products, and you also don't have to worry about fabric damage.
    Testing and Recommendations

    In 2000 the World Health Organization proclaimed that, due to its safety, effectiveness and cosmetic properties, Picaridin was their recommended product for repelling the mosquitos that carry Malaria. They noted that under some circumstances it was more effective than DEET.
    Dermatological testing has shown that Picaridin is almost odorless and not irritating to the skin (a major drawback to DEET insect repellents). The Jan-Feb 2004 issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology declared it to be "as effective and less irritating than diethyl toluamide (DEET)".
    In 2005 the US Centers for Disease Control revised it's mosquito repellent recommendations to include Picaridin in their list of products which are effective in preventing against the transmission of West Nile Disease. Also added to the list was a naturally-derived product, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus. Products containing oil of lemon eucalyptus offer mosquito protection comparable to low-concentration DEET repellents.
    Picaridin has also has been tested for effects on various household substances and has been shown to cause no major damage to plastics, sealents, plastic coatings or other synthetics.
    A combo of Permethrin( on fabric only) and Picaridin, and I never even see or hear any bugs. Never had a bite.

    There is a long running discussion here about using the various Permethrin products that you can get at farm supply stores- and diluting it ( much cheaper ) vs using the Sawyers brand. Which is about the only one advertised to put on clothing. You might want to search for those threads and read everyone's thoughts on safety.

    Also, if you are using a pad or UQ or weather shield on your hammock, you may not need to spray it.

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