Driving down the driveway I started to shudder,

For I knew by my Emails, that something was a coming.

To my dismay nothing on the stoop,

And I must admit my face started to droop.

As I walked in the house to my surprise,

My children brought in my Xmas prize,

Now I will admit I was a kid at heart,

Because it wouldn't be long before I had that box torn apart.

And when opened to my wondering eyes should appear,

But my fancy new PHEONIX is finally here.


Thank you Adam and Jenny the quality is awesome and I can not wait to use it. I had to keep telling myself, patience TY , patience patience patience. I love it . Now I have to carefully disguise my child like opening and use extra strength scotch tape to mimic as if it was not opened.
Then come Xmas day tear it apart again , it's like a twoofer.
Thanks again guys,