Quote Originally Posted by chickenwing View Post
Funny thing...

No it didn't. It had to do with the built-in Readline function being reset to the 1st line of the text file because the text file was being opened and closed in multiple locations in the code.

Hey Muskrat Look at this

For z = 0 To Counter()
Cust.strCust_Number = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine
Cust.strCust_Name_Last = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine
Cust.strCust_Name_First = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine

' Dim Cst_Phone As CustomerPhone
Cust.strArea_Code = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine
Cust.strPhone_Prefix = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine
Cust.strPhone_Suffix = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine

' Dim Cst_Address As CustomerAddress
Cust.strStreet_Number = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine
Cust.strStreet_Name = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine
Cust.strStreet_Type = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine
Cust.strCity = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine
Cust.strState = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine
Cust.strZip = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine

' Dim Cst_AcctInfo As AccountInfo
Cust.strAcct_Bal = CDec(cust_acctsFile.ReadLine)
Cust.strDate = cust_acctsFile.ReadLine

' Cust = ReadEachLine()
' prints customer name phone # and account ballance
e.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format("{0, -9} {1, -20} {2, 15} {3, 20}", Cust.strCust_Number, Cust.strCust_Name_Last, Cust.strArea_Code, _
"$ " & Cust.strAcct_Bal), New Font("Courier New", 12, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Black, 10, intvert + 19)
' prints street address and last pay date
e.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format("{0, 10}{1, -20}{2, 15}{3, 22}", "", Cust.strStreet_Number & " " & Cust.strStreet_Name & " " _
& Cust.strStreet_Type, " ", Cust.strDate), _
New Font("Courier New", 12, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Black, 10, intvert + 36)
' prints city and state
e.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format("{0, 10}{1, -20}{2, 15}{3, 20}", " ", Cust.strCity & ", " & Cust.strState & " " _
& Cust.strZip, "", ""), _
New Font("Courier New", 12, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Black, 10, intvert + 54)
intvert += 74

Just ran that program and it gave me the following Error Message:

"Original Creator is EXTREMELY bored and should have gone Camping at Goat Island."