JJ here,
I've jumped in pretty hard over the last few months. I've been reading everything on here and watching a lot of YouTube.
I have hung cheap hammocks in both my girls' bedrooms(ages 8 and 5), and I've been working on a sleep setup for myself downstairs( wife and I are on the outs). The girls love hanging out in their hammocks, and my oldest has even slept a few nights in hers.
I've been learning a lot. Thank you all for your additions to the forum.
So far, I've tried a 12 ft. Onewind, made my own 11 ft. Ripstop from joann fabrics, and did a DIY 156 x 90 crinkle taffeta from a chair cover website. After tinkering with all of those, I had my first night last night in an 11.5 ft. LA Siesta Carolina hammock from Columbia. It's seems like a super high quality hammock, and i like the size (63 in. Width) My legs have always been super tight, so I'm still training myself to bend my legs while sleeping to avoid knee hyperextension. For some reason, I'm against using a pillow under my knees.
I work in special ed. In western maryland.
Nice to meet you all,