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  1. #1
    Phantom Grappler's Avatar
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    No more tripping on tarp guylines and stakes

    I have Dutch’s bonded seam winter tarp with doors and two internal pole mods.
    Tarp side guylines are tied to base of trees hammock is on.

    Eliminates anyone, including me from tripping on tarp side guylines and stakes.
    Eliminates four stakes.
    Windy weather less likely to pull stakes from ground

    By loosening tarp side guylines—automatic porch mode.

    I do use two stakes to secure doors closed
    I exit sides of tarp, even though I don’t have Dutch’s new side door.

    Been thinking of ways to eliminate two stakes at ends for doors.
    Maybe add sewn on pockets on bottom corners of door flaps. At camp, add items to weight door flaps down-closed. The door flap corners would be tied together.

    Probably others have already tried this idea to eliminate tripping on tarp side guylines.

    No great weight saved, since there are two collapsible poles for internal pole mods.

    Thanks Dutch!

  2. #2

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    Any chance you could take a pic or two of this setup? I'm having trouble visualizing it. Well, I can, but have to imagine that what I'm envisioning is wrong.

    What I'm picturing would be kind of unstable in even a slight breeze.

  3. #3
    cmc4free's Avatar
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    Phantom Grappler - man of nearly 5,000 posts, and no uploads.

    Phantom, if you do have any photos, feel free to PM me for my email address, and I'll be happy to upload them for you.

  4. #4
    Phantom Grappler's Avatar
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    No more tripping on tarp guylines and stakes

    One time camping in high winds, this setup worked very well.
    There was one difference that might have helped. To close door flaps, I did not use stakes, was car camping, and used two one gallon jugs of water to weight down and secure door flap corners.
    The high winds dragged the water jugs a few inches, but the tarp was stable.

    And lack of pictures and video uploads is one of my failings. I’m not tech savvy.

    I have posted quite a few YouTube videos.
    They are mostly videos of knots
    My name is David Hughes
    Two of my videos are
    Phantom Grapplers Recommended Ties part one and part two.
    My videos are too long, and have too much extra thrown in.

    My tech friend filmed all my videos, in two groups.
    I think I accidentally have two YouTube channels because both me and my tech friend forgot the password.
    I don’t know the first password, and I’m not sure if I have saved the second password.

    Now I would like to create new videos directly on my phone. First, I don’t know how. And second, they will probably ask for a password.

    I hate passwords!
    And I hate the way many passwords work. Right when I’m typing in password—it disappears as it’s entered! Way too easy to miss key a letter or number—and then I’m in password limbo.
    You should hear me cussing!

    I read, passwords might go by the wayside in about two years. Because large companies sometimes have entire offices filled with employees with phones and computers to help customers (as dumb as me) reset their forgotten passwords.

    This costs companies lots of money.
    Maybe passwords will be replaced with a combination of:
    Facial recognition
    Voice recognition
    Same device-phone-computer used before
    Same general geographic location—not in another continent or another country.

    I will contact you soon, thank you for your kind offer!
    Last edited by Phantom Grappler; 11-12-2023 at 21:57.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Grappler View Post
    I don’t know the first password, and I’m not sure if I have saved the second password.
    Now I would like to create new videos directly on my phone. First, I don’t know how. And second, they will probably ask for a password.
    I hate passwords!
    Youtube offers a way to change your password (recover your account). This google search provides links to pages and to youtube videos that show how this works. Basically, you enter your email account, and you receive a link that permits you to change the password. Choose the link or video that you like:

    Never put a plain text list of passwords on a phone - they have the worst security. I would not do this on my computer either.

    But a very good way to handle passwords without much tech is to get a little black book, and write your passwords in that. Write them down before you enter them as new passwords for web sites and enter what you wrote to ensure what you wrote is what you use.

    Web scammers are not going to break into your house to steal your password book (they are all overseas, and the flights cost too much). Nation-states and large corporations don't need to break into your house to steal your password book. Drug addicts may break into your house, but they are too addled to manage making money off your passwords, so that's not a problem.

    The next step up in convenience is to use KeepassX (best version at this time, although the others are fine too). With that, you don't need to type the passwords in, but you must manage to use the program on a computer or phone, and maybe to synchronize the list between devices.

    I do not use the commercial password apps as they must be online to be used and some have already been hacked. KeepassX uses a password protected file you have a master password to - I use a short sentence that I can easily remember and reproduce.

    The little black book works just fine apart from needing to do the typing.

    The characters usually show in the field for a second before being replaced by an *, but that varies. It's the price of a global computer network without losing all your money day after day.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Grappler View Post
    I have Dutch’s bonded seam winter tarp with doors and two internal pole mods.
    Tarp side guylines are tied to base of trees hammock is on.
    The picture I have is that the only reason there is room under the tarp is that the 'internal pole mods' spread the tarp, while the guylines are pulling the tarp closed by pulling toward the centerline. I expect the guylines to converge across the tarp doors, but you mention you do not enter and exit by the doors, but rather from the sides of the tarp.

    Warbonnet no longer offers the two-pole modification on their tarps - only the single centre pole (he said the two pole mod rubbed the ridge of the tarp, and the single pole is inside the tarp). At some time I'll set up and try your approach with the single centre pole.

  7. #7
    Phantom Grappler's Avatar
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    I’m not sure, if it will work very well, with one internal pole.
    Thank you for tech information!

    Every day, I meet people much smarter than me…..
    Must be luck of the draw


  8. #8

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    See, what I'm picturing is sort of like a Clark hammock (below), but with the poles on the inside and no bottom. Basically, a half-tunnel, so really more like the lid on a chafing tray at one of those fancy "free breakfast" hotels. Only the tarp is the piece inside that you pivot up to get the stale waffles, burnt sausage and runny powdered eggs.
    Clark-TX-270-Forest-Green-Black-1-Web.jpg 080-crtc.jpg

    If the corner guy lines were connected at the base of the trees, on their respective "sides" of the tree, and the trees were relatively wide (at least 12-18" diameter), an see it being stable. However, if they were connected closer to the centerline of the tree/hammock, it seems like there'd be a tendency for "rotation" (for lack of a better term).

  9. #9
    rhjanes's Avatar
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    For Phantom Grappler, many websites, on the blank box for entering passwords, at least on computers, have a small ICON way off on the right side of the Password box. It looks like an eye or a blinked eye, maybe with the "circle/slash" also. You can click that and see what you have entered. I sometimes have to slowly type my longer passwords so I see what each character is because as you state, after some few seconds, it gets "*' out.
    We've kept a Word document for years with our pswds in it. Much of it is actually code. There is a word, but we know that word actually means a different word. If the "Word" has an upper case, that that is true in the pswd. Wife and I know how to translate it.
    But if you are doing any estate type planning, they will tell you to share your list of accounts and pswd's with your Executor/Trustee also! Stuff like "hammock forums" are not needed but bank and other access is. When my sister passed I spent an hour each day just devoted to attempting to gain access to Google, to her bank (never did get online to one). She had a list of pswds but I didn't know how to translate it and then found three versions of the list.

    Yes pswds might morph, but there are also needs for 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) gaining major traction just trying to keep level with the hackers.
    Call me Junior

    Pirating – Corporate Takeover without the paperwork
    "For a couple of bucks, get a weird haircut and waste your life away" Bryan Adams....
    "Hammock hangs are where you go into the woods to meet men you've only known on the internet so you can sit around a campfire to swap sewing tips and recipes." - sargevining on HF

  10. #10
    Senior Member Twistytee's Avatar
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    I’ve seen Phantoms set-up many times and will try to take some photos to upload this weekend when I camp with him. His guy line system is unique, and mostly uses nearby trees and shrubs in lieu of tying off to stakes. He tends to tie a bit higher off the ground as his tarp is super wide and is rarely cinched down tight in storm mode.

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