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  1. #1
    Senior Member Cruiser51's Avatar
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    DIY Down

    Looking to Setup a Down Bulk/Group Buy for GTA area (Toronto)

    Looking to setup a GTA (Toronto) group buy for down, from Feathers Ind.

    Spring is almost sprung and it's time for a few down projects, sent in a request, to Feathers Ind., for current pricing and got some additional info. For small orders previously, the minimum was 2+ pounds with a 20% price penalty .... that has been changed, any order under 10 pounds, is double, over 10 pounds is a 20% penalty up to a whole bag, which of course is not penalized.

    Looking to purchase Feathers Ind CAN 95/5 white goose down, 850 FP, which is about the best they have .... given the pricing, 10 pounds is an effective minimum, the order currently stands at 4 pounds, so if there is 6 pounds of interest in this group, the purchase can move ahead.

    Base Down cost is $125/pound, am thinking a minimum 1 pound quantity per person, I will break down whatever we buy, into the ordered amounts. Would prefer not to get into shipping, so pickup in Bowmanville is preferred, but other arrangements may be worked out as well.

    That price is per pound, per bag (bag can be 17-20 pounds) and DOES not include any small order penalties ... a firmer price will be determined once we have the interest to proceed (FYI no penalty cost is $7.81/oz, with 20% $9.38, plus tax) ... so it is a reasonable deal, if we get above 10 pounds.


  2. #2
    New Member
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    I'm interested in 2 lbs, would pick up in Bowmanville. Flexible on timing. Hope I'm not too late.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Cruiser51's Avatar
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    Thread is closed. Not sure how to delete, but the buy has come and gone.


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