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  1. #1
    New Member Pippi's Avatar
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    Trans Catalina Trail with a hammock?

    I'm backpacking the Trans Catalina Trail the end of this month and curious if anyone has done it with a hammock. I know it won't be easy, but I think it will be possible at least half the trip. Regardless I'm going to try, but curious if anyone has any experience. I've already booked my sites, but wondering if I should change any. I do plan on bringing a pad, tyvek sheet and trekking poles so I can setup on the ground if necessary, but hopefully that doesn't happen often. I did see one other trip report on here, but it was only for 1 campsite and it didn't list which specific spot they hung from. Currently this is my site selection...

    Black Jack #9
    Shark Harbor #1 (I know this has zero chance to hang, but I can move when I get there. Just wanted an option to stay on the beach if it was worth the view to sleep on the ground)
    Little Harbor #10
    Two Harbors #12
    Parson's Landing #1 (This has zero chance to hang, but all sites are on the beach so I'm out of luck no matter what)
    Hiking my own hike and hanging my own hang. This is where my happy is!
    The Happy Hiker Blog

  2. #2
    alt.thomas's Avatar
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    Hats off to your excellent post trip findings. Very deep and informative.

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