Background: Currently hang w/ a XLC BB, 0deg Wooki and old 30deg quilt. With additional clothing as insulation or venting this combo works really well for a wide span of temps. Very comfy down to 20deg so far, and probably lower. I'm 6'2"

-buy a 3 season UQ for short backpacking trips in my area (Western NC)
-own the minimum number of quilts just in general
-longterm goal of being able to do 2 week section hikes of AT, so weight-conscious
-Also for the AT reason, relatively settled on 3/4 UQ since also having a partial pad seems like a good idea, although I don't carry one currently. Love the Wooki and have some anxiety about 3/4 UQs not being as comfortable, so I could be convinced otherwise...

-30 or 40 degree? That kind of comes down to what UQ do I want to carry in March and October. I'm leaning toward 30 deg to be able to go lighter the majority of the year but still undecided

-Phoenix or Yeti?*** I like the idea of Phoenix since it is apparently 6 inches longer and 4 inches wider in the middle without much weight difference. HG says dimensions are when held taught. Does anyone know if Yeti dimensions are "taut" dimensions?

- The links below report a 30 deg Yeti with 950fp and 10d being 13.1 oz without stuff sack (4.4 oz of which is fill weight) 30 deg Phoenix with 950fp and 10d being 12.58 oz (I assume) without stuff sack, 5.92 oz of fill weight. Huh? Bigger quilt more down and less weight? Is there something I'm missing?

*** I don't see an option to order 7d or 950fp Revolt on EE anymore. I emailed about it and they didn't respond


Thanks for sharing your experience.