View Poll Results: Will you attend

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Guelph, ON, Canada

    EGL Twig Stove Show and Brag - Oct. 24/2021

    I’m organizing a small, casual get together at Valens Conservation on Sunday Oct 24, 10am-whenever. A chance to make lunch or bake something on your favorite twig stove, meet some fellow twiggers, and see a large array of twig stoves all in one place.

    I suggest we not share food due to COVID and we should all have masks readily available for when we get closer than 2m. Otherwise this will all be outside and I’m quite certain under the 100 people limit for outside gatherings.

    We'll gather at our regular site (134 I think), or near by if that one is taken. Bring some sort of table on which you can put your twig stove so that we're not all crowded around the picnic table.

    Looking forward to seeing you there.

    Last edited by theyland; 09-15-2021 at 10:42.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    The woods
    1.7 dbl, WBRR LSOH Swift
    superfly Razor
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    webbing, whoopies
    Well, I would be into that.
    Ive got more than a few twig stoves,fireboxes,etc. All homemade.
    I will most likely make it an overniter,cause I can.
    No signs,no fees,no rules,nobody. My kind of campsite.

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