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  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    old dirt
    Quote Originally Posted by OneClick View Post
    Won't see me carrying anything that stupid into the woods. But I've seen evidence showing some people do. I believe my sarcasm was wasted here, so I'll try elsewhere to lighten the mood on a monday morning.
    your sarcasm was amplified a bit, not wasted. sorry if it was a bit too much.

  2. #22
    Senior Member
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    old dirt
    Quote Originally Posted by Xraycer View Post
    Yea, but bringing along a full/tall sized human, for the purpose of hanging straps higher has it's disadvantages. They are heavy and can be annoying. They would require food and water, and they may even want to talk and stuff. Ugh!
    the implications spiral out of control very quickly indeed. this is why i had to find some solution involving some rope instead. though on occasion, the (whatever sized) human can be interesting to have around, for a few hours at most or so, of course.

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