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  1. #1
    Senior Member Jolly's Avatar
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    Shane Unresponsive: phone, email, and PM

    I placed an order with BIAS on Feb 21st 2020 for two sets of hammock anchors.

    I received the auto email with a link to check on the current status of my order, along with the cost of the items and confirmation from PayPal that the transaction was successful ($64.14 in total).

    What's troubling is after almost 2 weeks, the landing page from the "status" link doesn't have any update on the status, nor has Shane responded to two emails, a PM here through HammockForums, and a detailed voicemail on his cell.

    I'm going to give him a week then I'm going to have to file a dispute with PayPal.

    I hope to god BIAS doesn't go the same route as OES (just realized the OES website no longer exists).

    Does anyone know what's going on with BIAS? I've bought from Shane in the past with no issues at all.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Jolly's Avatar
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    I wanted to update my post as Shane just returned my call. Without going into irrelevant detail here, he'll be handling my order at his earliest opportunity.

    As someone else said here, his cell is 100% the best way to reach out if you have any issues with orders, etc.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Jolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly View Post
    I wanted to update my post as Shane just returned my call. Without going into irrelevant detail here, he'll be handling my order at his earliest opportunity.

    As someone else said here, his cell is 100% the best way to reach out if you have any issues with orders, etc.
    I wanted to update the community, and it's not positive.

    I received the anchors and at first inspection they're unfinished. While the amsteel pieces have been made just fine, the actual titanium anchors were unfinished - all the edges and the holes (which the amsteel passes through) have hard angular edges. Every edge on the anchors has a hard 90º angle that should have been machine smoothed, particularly where the hammock's continuous loops attach at the "T", and where the rope passes through the drilled hole to allow the anchor to slide up and down its length. I tested the suspension at home using my hammock stand and there's slight wear already appearing on the amsteel - there's no way these are field appropriate, and the rough edges will damage the rope over a short period of time.

    I reached out to Shane directly and waited a week (2 emails), and I've heard nothing from him.

    I decided that instead of having to chase him down again I have filed a claim with PayPal.

    It's a shame, but this is the last time I'll be ordering anything from Shane and BIAS.
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  4. #4
    cmoulder's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about that!

    One of the first hammocks I ever used was a friend's Gram Weenie Micro. Really well made.

    Too bad that someone has what could be a viable business and decides, for whatever reasons, to flush it down the toilet. However, if that is the case he should have just said so and refunded your money rather than sending crappy product.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Otter1's Avatar
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    There have been several threads over the last few years about inadequate response times, or total lack of response.

    Take heart on the anchors though! I bought some unfinished ones (which it sounds like what he sold you) because they were cheaper. Sandpaper and elbow grease, plus a few minutes total, and all the edges were smooth and rounded.

    Sorry for your experience.

  6. #6
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    Yup, I mostly agree with Otter1!
    Two Points:
    A. A few years ago BIAS had two partners. One partner dropped out and off the radar, items were paid for and not sent to the purchaser. Shane stepped in and made good on the purchases that were not supplied. To the best of my knowledge Shane has been managing and supplying since his intervention.

    B. When the Anchor line was in it infancy we had the opportunity to purchase unfinished Anchors at a substantial savings. I used a Dremel tool and emery cloth to smooth everything off and make them nice and pretty.

    Calling your Credit Card Company and open a dispute is another choice.

    Really a sad situation.

  7. #7
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    It is sad, but this has happened now with several highly rated vendors over the years. It's a very strange thing to me, because they don't just decide the hammock business is not for them anymore for whatever reason, and then make an announcement that things are winding down, so no more orders after some future date.

    Nope, that is not how it seems to work. They simply disappear off the face of the earth, and it takes months for people to figure out, by word of mouth: "hey, DO NOT make an order with these guys, because they are making a living elsewhere.". This can happen after several years of the highest possible ratings by users. To make it worse, I have known at least one(a very highly regarded tarp brand) to come back and start filling orders for a while, after offering personal reasons for their lack of communication for months on end, and then a few months or so later they are gone again. I could name several, but I won't I guess. Most of us know who they are. Well, at least those of us who have been here for over 10 years know who they are.

    I have no issue with folks dropping out of the business for whatever reason. Health, divorce, a better job offer, just bored with it, takes too much of their time, whatever. And I would wish them the best. Although that does raise questions about future customer support for when we buy quilts that cost hundreds of dollars, or even the more expensive hammocks. But I don't understand why folks would leave in that fashion, just disappearing. These are often people who some folks here know personally and hold them in very high esteem, and say what great guys they are. But one day, with no notice, they are simply unresponsive. Apparently alive and doing OK, but no longer interested in answering an e-mail or voice mail. or making a single announcement here at HF. It just seems very odd to me. And a bit disappointing.

    I know one time there was a product I really wanted, the cost was over $400. The website was up and running just as it always had been for this very highly rate vendor. Heck, even some other hammock vendors said his hammocks were their fav! But, before ordering, I had a couple of questions. I e-mailed multiple times.: no response. I was told the phone was the best way to get hold of him. I left several messages, no response. I didn't order, and forgot about it for about a year. But the web site was still looking normal, so I tried again. No reply. Then one day a few months later I go to the website and it is no longer there. I read where some one said that they had seen him at a bar or a hang and he was doing well, and happy to be out of the business. I think it would have been nice if he had notified folks here that he had effectively been out of business for a year or two. And I don't understand why these guys don't do just that.
    Last edited by BillyBob58; 03-27-2020 at 21:18.

  8. #8
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    Back in the day, I bought a lot of stuff from Buttinasling. They were an up-and-coming cottage vendor that I was proud to support. Then one of the partners, Brian, had a meltdown. Seems like that was around 2013? Brian stopped answering e-mails and phone calls and just disappeared. Shane tried as best as possible to maintain the business, but I think it's on its last leg now.

    Buttinasling was possibly the first hammock vendor to specialize in 11 ft. hammocks, and they were one of the first, if not the first, to start selling the Fronkey bugnet. Of course, Fronkey was upset that they were selling what he considered his idea, but others came forward to show that they had already made bottom-entry bugnets and Fronkey's idea wasn't original.

    Fronkey had his own meltdown and has disappeared. Oh well, sad to see Fronkey gone, and Buttinasling not far behind.
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    Senior Member OneClick's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Senior Member Jolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmoulder View Post
    Sorry to hear about that!

    One of the first hammocks I ever used was a friend's Gram Weenie Micro. Really well made.

    Too bad that someone has what could be a viable business and decides, for whatever reasons, to flush it down the toilet. However, if that is the case he should have just said so and refunded your money rather than sending crappy product.
    One of my first hammocks was the weight weenie and I enjoyed it. I still own (and sometimes take out with me) the Nano Buginator bugnet (5oz!) with my original 1.0oz Dutch netless hammock when I want to go SUL.

    What’s most disappointing is that while speaking with Shane some weeks ago he admitted to issues with his email, and yet after knowingly functioning in such a crippled fashion, he has done little to rectify it.

    I hate to say this but BIAS deserves to die on the vine it’s on. While Shane may have multiple avenues of work outside BIAS which is time consuming for him (also admitted during my last call with him), running a business so half assed doesn’t deserve any more support from the community when you consider how incredible customer support is at such companies as HG, Dutch, Dream, and Warbonnet.

    I appreciate the advice from others saying I should give the anchors some emery cloth and Dremel love, but having to spend extra money/time on finishing an otherwise unfinished item is another reason Shane has earned this new, and very unfortunate, alternate reputation.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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