Spur of the moment trip. Saw there was going to be some snow and bitter cold so packed up my ULA Catalyst, grabbed the snowshoes and headed up North.
Was really windy out there and that added quite the chill to already cold temps. Got down to -5ºF.
Had a real good pitch with my Warbonnet Superfly tarp with the aid of some snow walls to keep the wind and spindrift out. Nary a breeze hit me under the tarp though I could hear it blowing all around me.
Slept ever so warm with my Loco Libre Habanaro -10º UQ. Never felt a chill.
Loved being tucked into my JRB High Sierra Sniveler TQ. Love that thing.
Snoozed 12 hours in the Warbonnet Eldorado as it gets dark at 4:15 PM so hit the hammock early. EARLY!!!
Not light until around 7AM. Long comfy nights. I dreamt of cake.

Tried out the new Warbonnet Bad Weather Bonnet Down Hood. WOW. I liked it so much more than I thought I would and wore it a lot. For sleeping it was amazing but getting up in the AM and stepping out into that wind, I ducked back in to my tarp and grabbed it to wear around camp. Really kept all that wind off of my neck. A muffled silence whilst wearing it.

Not too long of a walk in as it was a fair lollygag of a trip and being solo just did not want to break 2 miles of trail.

Mukluks kept my feet warm and dry. My backpack snow shovel really got used a lot. It really helps keep all my gloves dry for my glove layering system.

All secure in sector seven,