It’s that time again. The 4th Annual NJ Fall Hang (the hang formerly known as the Loco Libre Gear Piney Woods Hang) is coming up!


Mark your calendars and save the dates:
Friday, November 1st - Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

Why the Name Change?

Our friend George (Loco Libre Gear) got this whole thing started 3 years ago, but let’s face it – organizing a group event takes a lot of time and energy, he’s a busy man, and his world-class quilts aren’t going to make themselves! So rather than potentially not have a hang this year, we’re helping out by taking the organizing responsibilities off his plate (with his blessing) and forging ahead. Not to worry however, the idea is to keep things pretty much the same as in the past, and he’s still planning to attend – he’ll be the relaxed looking guy by the fire.


We’ll be at Batona Campground in Wharton State Forest again, same as the past 3 years.


Want to come join the fun? Then
sign up HERE


For those who haven’t been there before, Batona Camp is a great spot for a group hang. There are more than enough trees to go around, plenty of fire rings for cooking and staying warm, and it’s even nice and flat for those that might want to sleep on the ground (we won’t judge).


Batona has a pump for fresh water, and two pit toilets on opposite ends of the campground (don’t forget the TP). It’s not the Waldorf, but it gets the job done.

We’ll set up the kitchen area in the group site, and use the large group fire ring as the main gathering area.

Site Reservations

The camp is split up into 12 sites (plus the large group site) each with a fire ring. We usually try to book the entire camp – or as much of it as we can – so that we have the run of the place. The only catch is that no one person can reserve more than one site, so we’ll need your help. We’ve already grabbed the group site and a couple others, but that leaves the rest of the camp to lock up*.

If you are willing to help out, you’ll need to go to the NJ camping reservation site:

  • We ask that NJ residents book the sites if possible, as it costs more for out of state campers to book ($3/night vs $5 for out-of-state)


  • That should come out to $17/site, and we’ll reimburse you for the reservation fees at the hang. If you choose not to be reimbursed, then we’ll add that contribution to the amount donated to charity along with the raffle money.

You don’t need to stay in the site that you reserve (though you can if you like), and you don’t HAVE to reserve a site in order to attend. Once you arrive, just find some trees to hang between – first come, first served. If you’ve got a favorite spot, get there early!

*NOTE: this year (similar to a few years ago) it looks like site 9 may already be booked, so we’ll have to work around that, and try to be good neighbors.


There are fire rings at each individual campsite that can be used for cooking. Friday night you’re on your own for dinner, but if you want to bring something to share and make friends, go for it!

As in years past, we’ll have group meals for Saturday breakfast and dinner. If you’d like to bring something like a side, salad, dessert, etc. then by all means do – there’s a spot to make a note of what you’re bringing on the spreadsheet. But don’t feel obliged to, as we’ll make sure there’s enough food to go around.

Menu is still TBD, but we’re thinking:

  • Breakfast – Pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee
  • Dinner – Pulled pork, with a non-pork/vegetarian option


Fear not, we’re still planning on having a raffle, like in previous years. We’ll look to get all that fun stuff out of the way before dinner so then we can eat, relax, and spend the rest of the evening hanging out.

Raffle tickets will be $5 each, and will be available for purchase on Saturday. We’ll recommend that everyone attending purchase at least 2 tickets ($10 worth) to help make sure that we can cover costs for everything, but you can buy as many as you like to increase your chances of winning.

The money collected from the ticket sales will go towards covering the overhead costs of the hang, and then extra money will be donated to charity - this year we’re going to be giving to the Ronald McDonald House Charities, whose mission is to “create, find, and support programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children.”

Loco Libre has generously offered to donate something, and we’ll add other vendors/items as we get commitments.

We hope to see you out there!